Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1498 What is the palace jue trying to protect?

Qianqian Novel Network

Gu Qiqi clenched her fists and stood there, motionless.

The shattered screen was still playing barrage on the ground, and the curses were extremely dazzling:

"Damn, this is the palace lord! This wild man is the palace lord!"

"mmp, our chief is a beast, a killing machine!"

"Damn it~ legs, he killed our empire's own soldiers! How did such a beastly machine become the commander-in-chief of the three armies?"

"His grandma's third grandson's are too scary. Our country is actually in power with such a beast machine. What if one day he kills us all?"

The swarm of questioning and scolding was especially vivid in front of the bloody camera in the last scene.

Ten years ago, he brutally slaughtered his own country's soldiers; ten years later, he was able to sit on the position of the commander-in-chief of the empire's armed forces.

Thinking of the fear!

Gong Jue's dirty stuff really couldn't be washed away.

Even Bei Gong Mingtian, an outsider whose nationality does not belong to the empire, saw this scene, and felt chills on his back, lips and teeth.

Leaving aside Gong Jue's powerful combat power, just his dark experience is enough to make people pull him down from the position of commander-in-chief of the three armies, and he will never be restored!

With multiple powers comes multiple responsibilities.

That lofty position is one that attracts the attention of everyone, shoulders heavy responsibilities, and cannot tolerate the slightest lack of morality.

Watching the black material video again at this moment, Bei Gong Mingtian still feels very shocked, and his palms are sweating coldly.

It is said that……

Before Gong Jue's scandalous video broke out, the person who broke the news had contacted him in advance.

It seemed that he wanted to negotiate a deal with him. As long as he agreed, the whistleblower would give up revealing this shocking scandal and let him go.

However, this tough man refused.

He actually would rather the black material be exposed than negotiate a deal with the other party!

On this point, Bei Gong Mingtian really admires Gong Jue.

Not every man has such courage and endurance.

This is definitely a tough choice! ! !

But at the same time, Bei Gong Mingtian was a little curious. What kind of deal did the person who broke the news propose to Gong Jue, so that Gong Jue would rather be exposed to black news than agree to the other party's request?

What is the thing that Gong Jue wants to protect even if he completely destroys himself?

At this moment, Gu Qiqi's name suddenly flashed in Beigong Mingtian's mind.

The correct answer is just around the corner!

Could it be... because of her?

But by doing this, Gong Jue personally ruined the possibility of him and Gu Qiqi being together.

These two people will never be together in this lifetime.

It is almost entirely conceivable that Bei Gong Mingtian, when Gong Jue was faced with a choice, must have asked ten thousand times in his heart——

To endure the scolding of the world with her?

Or should she let go and bear it alone, so that she can avoid the wind and rain of public opinion and the warmth and coldness of the world?

Is it to make her lose her peaceful life?

Or just lose her?

The price of Gong Jue's decision is so heavy! ! !

Beigong Mingtian sighed!

But when his eyes shifted to Gu Qiqi's body.

But unexpectedly, Gu Qiqi was unusually calm.

no anger.

No fear.

Even... There is no point of accusation or condemnation.

If she hadn't accidentally dropped the tablet on the ground, Bei Gong Mingtian would have wondered if she didn't recognize that person as Gong Jue at all?

Otherwise, would her reaction be too flat?

Doesn't she have a single word she wants to swear at? The online service of the real lady, help you find books to chat with you, please wechat/message/search/search popular web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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