Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1501: Enemy against the whole world!

Qianqian Novel Network

"Qiqi, Gong Jue has completely offended everyone's bottom line this time, and he is hopeless. Execution is only a matter of time." Bei Gongming concluded.

Gu Qiqi fell into silence again.

She stared at the harsh accusations on the screen.

These people don't know Gong Jue at all, and have never been in contact with Gong Jue, but just based on a video, they clamored to convict him...!

She is about to explode!

Qi Gongjue didn't tell her the truth, and actually kept such a big matter a secret.

I was even more angry that I made up my mind to return to China so late, and let the opportunity to solve the problem be delayed for a month.

The anger soared in an instant!

There was a hint of gunpowder in her dark tone: "Who said he was hopeless?! The so-called public opinion can easily determine life and death?"

"Qiqi, don't make trouble. It's not just public opinion, it's people's hearts. People all over the world think he deserves to die, so he deserves to die. You can't change it, do you understand?" Bei Gong Mingtian said in a mature and authentic tone.

Gu Qiqi sneered when she heard the words: "What is the whole world? All I know is that he shouldn't be charged with this kind of crime, he shouldn't die!"

Bei Gong Mingtian blinked blankly, and after a while he realized: "Qi Qi, everyone thinks that Gong Jue should roll down from that position and be punished, but you don't think so? You... are you going to fight with the whole world?" The world is on opposite sides?"

Did love make her feel right and wrong?

How could she be inconsistent with everyone's values?

Under Beigong Mingtian's inconceivable gaze, Gu Qiqi proudly raised her chin: "So what if you are an enemy of the whole world?! Am I afraid?"

She doesn't care what the whole world is, okay?

All she knew was that her man was hated by the whole network, and she wanted to come back and get back her place!

My own man, even if he made a mistake, he can only beat him up by himself, so why let others point out? When did she allow others to reach out and hit her?

Gu Qiqi dropped those words.

She didn't pay attention to Beigong Mingtian any more, but turned around and walked towards the car that she pried open, opened the door neatly, and honked the horn.

That horn was urging Beigong Mingtian to get out of the way, not to block her way, let alone what she was going to do!

Beigong Mingtian was in a hurry, he pressed the car door behind him, almost got caught, tried to block the way, and was almost hit again.

Seeing that Gu Qiqi was about to step on the gas pedal, he yelled with bare eyes: "Qiqi, what are you doing? You can't just break into the prison of the military court... You are making him more guilty!"

Gu Qiqi gave him a cold look: "Who said I'm going to prison?"

Beigong Mingtian choked: "Aren't you going to rob... prison?"

Gu Qiqi rolled her eyes at him again: "Childish!"

Beigong Mingtian was choked to despair: "..."

Isn't that how scripts work? ? ?

Wasn't Qiqi so angry just now to save Gongjue?

Put on a big drama about breaking into the prison to save her husband?

Could it be that he leaned over as a showman, thinking too much?

But no matter what, Qiqi can't leave, it's too dangerous to leave now.

He grabbed Gu Qiqi's car door desperately, not wanting to let Gu Qiqi drive away: "Qiqi, listen to me, you'd better not walk around, if the reporter finds out, you will be in trouble... Since they dare to blow up the palace According to Jue, there must be a net staring at you, and once you return to the empire, they will surround you like ants and harass you..."

Gu Qiqi finally gave him a look of disdain, frowned and said - the online service of the real lady, help you find books to chat with you, please wechat/message/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 to wait for you~

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