Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1510 Not allowing her to be wronged

Qianqian Novel Network

Beigong Mingtian gasped, in disbelief: "Qiqi, but he is a wolf! A wolf!"

What future can there be with a wolf?

Did she ever think about it?

How dark and secure the prison of the military court is, it is impossible for Gu Qiqi to fish out Gong Jue.

Taking ten thousand steps back, even if Gu Qiqi can successfully rob the prison, what's the use of getting out of the palace?

The whole world can't tolerate this man anymore.

From then on, he could only keep his name incognito, and he couldn't even show his face.

Is Qiqi going to live with him like this for the rest of her life?

He Beigong Mingtian did not agree.

She was not allowed to be wronged like this.

Qi Qi's medical talent is already world-class, and she absolutely cannot waste her life, delay her life, or waste her life because of the fault of Gong Jue, a wolf.

"Qiqi, humans and wolves are impossible. How about being realistic? This is not a novel, not a movie, this is your life! You are married to a wolf, and it is a notorious wolf. How do you let the world see you? Do you want to be like Gong Jue in this life, where everyone shouts and kills?"

Beigong Mingtian spoke earnestly, holding the steering wheel with one hand and making phone calls with the other. A few times when the cars in the opposite lane rushed towards him, he almost couldn't dodge and almost hit him.

However, the Imperial Medical University is just ahead.

The black killer convoy has rushed in, Qiqi is very dangerous!

He must persuade Qi Qi to leave, and at the same time, he must speed up and rush into the school. If Qi Qi refuses to leave, he may be able to help.

After all, he is very familiar with the campus, and he knows some escape routes very well...

However, despite his tireless persuasion, Gu Qiqi obviously didn't listen to a single word.

Her cold voice came in through the microphone: "Brother Xiao Tiantian, I appreciate your kindness. I think you still don't quite understand the relationship between me and Gongjue. It doesn't matter whether he is a wolf or a human. What do people think about it?" It doesn't matter to me. Frankly speaking, I, Gu Qiqi, don't care about this!"

The loud words made Beigong Mingtian choke so hard that he couldn't say a word of rebuttal.

Even, at this moment, Bei Gong Mingtian felt that his point of view, in front of Gu Qiqi's domineering declaration, seemed so philistine, so vulgar, so... unsightly.

Qiqi's feelings are not mixed with any impurities.

There is no slight change due to the change of the status of the palace.

He was not even shaken by the fact that Gong Jue's race was different.

Facing Qiqi like this, he felt a little ashamed...

Beigong Mingtian sighed, and his anxious tone gradually weakened: "Qiqi, I respect your choice, but I still hope that you will seriously consider it again, do you know how terrible the current public opinion is— —Boom—!”

Bei Gong Mingtian hadn't finished speaking when there was an ear-piercing muffled sound, and the phone was suddenly hung up.


A series of busy tones came.

I don't know what happened to him there.

Gu Qiqi called, but the phone was still busy.

She raised her hand and turned off the live broadcast completely, because it was meaningless to continue now.

The evidence she has won't help Gong Jue get rid of the charges, but may stimulate the outbreak of public opinion.

She got up and was finally ready to leave.

Before leaving, he looked up at the screen.

However, after the second video broke out, the news that kept swiping the screen changed from the previous "Gongjue get out of the empire+n!" to a more ferocious roar——

"kill him!"

"Kill that disgusting wild wolf!"

"His parents and brothers are not worthy of living in the empire!"

"His subordinates are helping the tyrant to abuse and collude with traitors, and they will all be sentenced to death!"

"Kill them!"

"Kill everyone related to Lord Wolf Palace!"

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