Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1512: Gongjue slowly raised his head

Qianqian Novel Network

Gu Qiqi twitched her eyelashes, her lips were slightly cold: "They're not worthy of my ability to deal with them."

After all, he flashed into the bathroom, took out the men's clothes and changed into them.

Mr. Ye made an impressive appearance!

The little filthy tortoise will fall...

Aww, lord, are you going to let me survive?

Ben Guigui almost forgot that you can be "really handsome".

That's right, just use the identity of Young Master Ye and go out swaggeringly to see who can do anything to her!


in a minute.

Gu Qiqi, dressed in a light gray suit, appeared at the library door in the night.

eight pm.

It was the time for the students of Imperial Medical University to study by themselves in the evening.

There are people coming and going at the entrance of the library, so lively.

As soon as Gu Qiqi appeared, even in a low-key gray suit, it immediately attracted a lot of attention.

Although the suit is low-key, people are not low-key!

With handsome eyebrows and bright eyes, his body is thin and full of tension, his steps are like the wind, and he exudes an indescribable charming aura.

Occasionally bumped into a female classmate, and stopped immediately, saying "sorry" softly.

As soon as he opened his mouth, Su's mellow voice broke the sky, and immediately made the female classmate stay where he was.

"Master Ye..."

"This is Young Master Ye who won the trophy with Gu Qiqi at the World Medical Competition..."

"Young Master Ye, who has never seen the end of the dragon, actually appeared in our school ahhhhhhhhh..."

"I want to tweet!"

"I want to broadcast live!"

"No, no, I'm looking for Mr. Ye's autograph!"

Soon, Gu Qiqi bumped into more and more female classmates along the way.

It's not because she can't walk, but because there are more and more female classmates who want to get in touch with him in the night.

It's hard for him not to bump into it!

There was even a female classmate who dropped books all over the floor.

With a good temper, Gu Qiqi stopped, half bent her knees, and helped the female classmate pick up the book.

When the slender fingers handed the book to the arms of the female classmate...

The female classmate was stunned for a while, and then she made a movement that shocked the audience.

She... fainted!

Fainted in Ye Gongzi's arms!

Gu Qiqi raised her forehead and looked around: "Who knows this female classmate?"

Everyone gathered in a circle, but no one answered.

Hmph, who wants to say it, even if you know each other.

This scheming girl actually pretended to faint in Ye Gongzi's arms while Ye Gongzi appeared, it was too bad.

He must not admit that he knew her, and he must not let Mr. Ye know this woman's name.

Gu Qiqi asked around and no one answered.

Helpless, I had no choice but to pick up the female classmate and walk towards the school doctor's office: "Since no one knows her, I can only send her to see a doctor myself...Sorry, please let me go."

As she spoke, she flicked across several side doors of the library out of the corner of her eye.

Keenly saw that dozens of men in black lurked into the library thinking they were concealed. They should be the killer that Beigong Mingtian and the little dirty turtle discovered before...

Hehe, no matter who sent the garbage, just go find it!

Go and enjoy the generous gift my sister gave you!

Gu Qiqi pursed her lips, hugged the fragrant girl in her arms, and swaggered away.

Leaving behind a group of idiot killers who don't know what's about to happen, and a group of girls who regret it.

Hey, if we had known that Mr. Ye would hug that scheming girl, we should have snatched her up and sent her to the hospital. Mistake!


This moment.

The military court of the imperial capital, the underground dungeon.

In an airtight prison cell made of fine steel, a small window the size of a palm was slowly opened: "0752, it's time to eat and pee!"

There was silence in the room.

After a long while, in the darkness, Gong Jue slowly raised his head... Miss Zhenren is an online service, helping you find books to chat with you, please wechat/message/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 to wait for you~

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