Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1521: Xiahou Susu Changes Her Heart

Qianqian Novel Network

"Jeez, we're meeting again!"

The cruelty and viciousness a second ago turned into an infatuated whisper in an instant.


If someone was standing beside Xiahou Susu at this moment, they would definitely be dumbfounded by her sudden change of expression.

Xiahou Susu drove out of the campus, and found that the road to the prison was heavily congested.

She got out of the car with a gloomy face, stepped on her high heels, glanced contemptuously at the scene of the car accident a hundred meters away, and saw a figure in the back seat of the police car, wearing an anti-bacterial suit, busy treating the injured person's wound.

Xiahou Susu's delicate lips lifted slightly: "Since I bumped into it, why didn't I hit it to death? It will delay my lady's affairs!"

Rolling her eyes, she dialed out the phone: "Send me a helicopter!"

The old butler of Xiahou's family was in a state of desperation, cleaning up the funeral affairs of the 50 dead guards. After receiving Xiahou Susu's tyrannical order, he couldn't control his anger for some reason.

He replied in a deep voice: "Miss, I'm sorry, there are helicopters, but the person who can fly died in the library just now. I'm afraid there will be no one who can fly the plane for you tonight..."

"Trash!" Xiahou Susu yelled and cut off the phone.

Although the old butler was scolded, somehow, his mood improved a lot.

——Miss, I hope you can understand that this world does not always revolve around you.

——If you are too self-willed, you will really lose your hearts!

——Miss, this old man really misses you from the past! This old man would rather take care of you who is seriously ill without sleep, than to see you like this...

Without a helicopter to pick her up, Xiahou Susu could only step on her high heels, twist and turn through the traffic jam, and ran several hundred meters away to take a taxi. not happy.

Imperial Prison.

The cell where Gong Jue was in was not allowed to visit the prison.

Xia Hou Susu held the vice president's handbook, and then she was able to pass through the customs and came to the prison of the palace.

She only has five minutes of visiting time.

Frankly speaking, when approaching the cell.

Thinking of the man she had been thinking about inside, her restless heart was about to burst out of her chest!

"It's not the original body, but it's not easy to use! This weak woman is such a waste! If it weren't for this lady's noble heart, you would have died a long time ago!"

Xiahou Susu snorted secretly, and pressed her heart, it seemed that only in this way could she calm down the excitement in her heart.

After all, nothing could go wrong in her heart.

If the blood vessel burst due to excitement, and the original owner replaced it again, or the original owner regained consciousness and drove her out, she would really have no chance of life.

With her heart, she must live carefully.

Tightening her fingers, she calmed down on the spot, and suddenly showed a smug smile.

In any case, it was thanks to the original owner, a sick child, who was raised by Xiahou's family like a princess, half-dead in need of a change of heart, and just in time for her to be executed by shooting.

I don't know who is so powerful, he successfully performed a heart replacement operation on her, and it was a perfect match. Even when she woke up, she found that the original owner's consciousness was still sleeping, and this body could completely obey the command of her mind!

Although it is not a perfect rebirth, it is not bad to live again in the shell of the young lady of the Xiahou family!

At least, now she can visit Gongjue in an open and aboveboard manner.

Because Miss Xiahou and Gong Jue are old acquaintances!

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