Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1544: Paste Gu Qiqi's face!

Qianqian Novel Network

The vice-principal's expression suddenly became gloomy, seeing that the corridor was crowded with people, but no one stood up and cursed Gu Qiqi for traitorously.

Instead, they were all speaking for Gu Qiqi.

This is completely different from what he expected!

On the Internet, and in the morning TV news, aren't those people scolding happily?

Why are these wooden figures in the school?

The vice-principal was in a daze at the moment, how could he think about how many sailors hired by Gu Meifeng on the Internet? Is it an impulsive comment brought up by the rhythm?

And on campus, among these teachers and students, how many of them have a correct attitude and act fairly?

Comparing the two, of course, the reflections are quite different.

Righteously smoking, suddenly heard a noise at the end of the corridor——

"Step aside!"

"Give way, the police will handle the case!"

"Where is your principal's office?"

The vice principal was overjoyed, here he comes! Finally came, his rescuer.

The people who came to arrest Gu Qiqi must have arrived.

He hurriedly shouted: "Please come in, please come in, I am the principal, come to my office!"

After finishing speaking, he still stared at Gu Qiqi nervously, for fear that she would run away.

Everyone automatically moved out of the way to let the police officers in.

The head of the police chief had a serious face: "Are you the principal? Bring Gu Qiqi, a classmate from your school, over here. Someone has reported her to have liaison with foreign countries, and she is suspected of committing treason."

Without waiting for the vice principal to gloat and answer.

Gu Qiqi said in person: "I am Gu Qiqi."

The sheriff glanced at the video that had just finished playing, and then sized her up again: "Is that you in the video?"

Gu Qiqi nodded: "Yes."

"Is the content of the filming true?"


"You admit to treason?"


"Didn't you admit that the video is real?"

"That's two different things."

The sheriff frowned: "If you don't tell the truth, go back with me for interrogation!"

Gu Qiqi met his gaze indifferently, without any fear: "When did the empire start arresting people based on videos? May I ask if I upload a video of someone falsely accusing me on the Internet, would you want to use it?" False accusation, go directly to arrest that person?"

The sheriff frowned even more. Although he was a little displeased, he still replied dutifully: "If you have evidence, I can arrest the person who falsely accused you. Being involved in false accusation is also a big crime."

Gu Qiqi nodded.

Well, that's fair enough.

"Have you any evidence of a false accusation?" asked the sheriff.

Everyone's heart was raised.

At the critical moment, if Qiqi could throw out a piece of evidence of being falsely accused, it would be wonderful, and it would be a slap in the face of the other party.

Everyone really hoped that Qiqi could prove her innocence, and their trust would not be wasted.

The vice-principal, on the other hand, was worried, for fear that Gu Qiqi would have any evidence to prove his innocence.

At the scene, there was silence for dozens of seconds.

During these tens of seconds, Gu Xuexue and her dozen or so so-called girlfriends who had a good time finally washed off the sticky egg liquid on their faces from the bathroom, changed their clothes and came out.

They huddled in the crowd, waiting to see Gu Qiqi being arrested by the police on the spot.

"Xuexue, do you think Gu Qiqi really has evidence to prove her innocence?"

"Hehe, there's a fart! She is a traitor and didn't run away! Don't worry, she was able to beat us with eggs just now, and her face will be swollen from the beating later! Are you all ready? When the police took her away, we rushed up to smash the eggs, this time she will definitely not be able to escape!" Gu Xuexue said bitterly.

In her hand was a box of eggs newly bought from a supermarket.

She is not reconciled, she has to slap Gu Qiqi in the face, in order to relieve the hatred in her heart! The online service of the real lady, help you find books to chat with you, please wechat/message/search/search popular web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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