Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1560 The 10-year truth makes people cry!

Qianqian Novel Network

Gu Qiqi listened to Feng Yangchu, under the coercion of the vice-principal and tortured by her conscience for many years, she actually bowed her head to everyone and admitted her mistake.

It hurt so much to hear her!

These pressures and humiliation are not what Master should bear!

It's all the bastard thing that bastard Yun first did.

She took a deep breath, held Feng Yangchu firmly, and called out, "Master!"

Then he turned his eyes to everyone calmly, and looked around: "What the vice-principal said just now is completely nonsense, a lie!"

The vice-principal was in a hurry: "What I said is true! Everyone who participated in the pharmacist meeting back then knew it, and the principal also knew it, right? Feng Yangchu himself admitted it! Wasn't he Chu Yangfeng back then?"

Gu Qiqi said coldly: "You know what! Did you go to the pharmacist meeting in person?"

The vice principal choked: ""

Immediately, she became confident again: "Hmph, brat, have you ever participated? Ten years ago, you were still wearing crotch pants, right?"

The melon-eating crowd watched them arguing endlessly, and for a while didn't know whose team to stand in.

Gu Qiqi was also unambiguous, and raised her chin: "I participated in... this year's!"


There was a sound of exclamation, one after another.

There are not many people who know about the Pharmacist Conference, and some of them only knew of such a world-class high-end gathering a few minutes ago.

But at this moment, everyone basically knows it.

What a mysterious and high-end existence it is to watch the Pharmacist Conference.

At least at the level of Feng Yangchu and the headmaster's old man to have a chance to participate - even if it is a chance to fail, it must be above the level of a great pharmacist, and only one chance to fail once.

How old is Gu Qiqi?



Even though she won the World Medical Competition, compared with so many low-key great pharmacists all over the world, the difference between her and others is the gap of decades of medical experience.

She actually has the chance to participate?

How did you receive such a precious invitation letter?

For a moment, everyone was shocked from ear to ear.

However, Gu Qiqi obviously didn't come to show off her qualifications.

She quickly went on to say: "I participated in the pharmacist conference held on the ghost island this year, and I met Dean Feng's fellow disciple, Mr. Bai Yun!"

Feng Yangchu stared blankly, then trembled his hands: "Qiqi, are you serious?"

"Really, Master." She pursed her lips.

She originally planned to come back and tell Feng Yangchu that she went to pay homage to Bai Yunxian's tomb, but she didn't intend to tell Feng Yangchu the immoral things Baiyun did back then, fearing that the master would suffer too much.

For this plan, Gong Jue deliberately went back and went to the empty grave to bury Bai Yunxian's real body.

But now it seems that it won't work.

Plans are about to change.

She really didn't want Master to be misunderstood and looked down upon by the world.

That bastard Bai Yunxian did such a nasty thing, why should Master come to atone for him?

Why do you want Master to resign from his teaching position and ruin his reputation?

She doesn't allow it!

Ruthlessly, Gu Qiqi told the truth: "Master, Bai Yunxian is still alive. I met him and found out the truth about the competition back then. It wasn't your mistake, it was Bai Yunxian who deliberately tampered with your medicine test tube. It caused an explosion and the game was lost. And he feigned death and escaped in order to stay on the ghost island and search for precious elixir. Master, the real waste is Bai Yunxian, not you!"

After Gu Qiqi finished speaking in one breath, she finally felt that it was great not to lie to her master.

It's so cool to help Master get rid of the slander of "old waste".

At this moment, her eyeballs were sore, she almost wanted to cry! The online service of the real lady, help you find books to chat with you, please wechat/message/search/search popular web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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