Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1562 Sleep him one more night

Qianqian Novel Network

Gu Qiqi washed away her black material, and helped her master Feng Yangchu to rectify her name again, clearing away the injustice of ten years ago.

At this moment, the teaching building was full of joy and laughter, and everyone surrounded her to congratulate her sincerely.

Only the little dirty turtle poked its head out of the neckline secretly, pursed its mouth, and muttered in displeasure: "Master Yin, I'm not open!"

Gu Qiqi: "What?"

Little Dirty Turtle: "The abuse of scum is too fast!"

Gu Qiqi: "..."

Damn, don't abuse the dead scum, do you still keep it for the New Year?

The eyes of the little dirty turtle are burning: "But the master, did you make it? This morning, the whole Internet is talking about you, and tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of people are paying attention to your scandal. Do you feel that our The color spots are going up like a rocket?"

Gu Qiqi: "...No!"

She really didn't notice it.

The little dirty turtle was very remorseful: "Master, you just need to let them scold for a while longer, oh no, it's better to scold for a few more days, and then pinch the scum to death, I can guarantee that our color point will definitely be able to reserve enough to directly hit the blue Grade! What a pity!"

Gu Qiqi: "...!"

It's a pity that you are a woolen yarn. My sister just wants to strangle you, a money-grubbing guy.

But the little dirty turtle quickly snickered again: "Master, it's okay, it's nothing to miss this little bit of sex. Aren't you still going to see the lord tonight? I'm in Hong Kong, isn't it a reunion after a long absence? Oh no, this should be called Xiao Biesheng’s newlyweds! So, shouldn’t we do some sports to celebrate? The little Internet energy we lost today is nothing, it’s from Sir Alex Energy points are super powerful and super idiomatic."

Gu Qiqi: "Impossible!"

She doesn't want to do sports with that stupid man.

The little dirty turtle hurriedly persuaded: "Master Yin, don't you remember the previous time? It was on the independent island in Northern Europe. It was the first time you two broke through there... Oops, the color rose that night. I was so happy that I almost fainted..."

Gu Qiqi's black face: "..."

So you didn't hear the cruel words that the stupid man said to me because you were dizzy?

The little dirty turtle still refused to give up: "Master Yin, just promise him, just once! This time you sleep him for one more night, just one night, and I promise you will gain a lot! You can definitely cross the blue level directly!"

Gu Qiqi glared at him angrily: "Don't even think about it!"

The little dirty tortoise chooses the next best thing: "Otherwise, it's okay to sleep half the night, let's hit the blue level, don't ask for a breakthrough..."

Gu Qiqi: "Shut up!"

Little dirty turtle: "Oh, obey!"

Covering her face secretly, she squeezed out a few words between her teeth: "Master Yin, don't you think about it any more?"

Gu Qiqi: "I'm considering throwing you to prison to accompany him!"

Gu Qiqi and Xiao Wugui were discussing with their spiritual sense, so naturally everyone didn't know.

From the eyes of everyone, Gu Qiqi's expression was one of deep silence, with frowning at times and slight anger at other times.

No one could understand what she was thinking.

Just had a big win, didn't you?

Master Qi abused the scum with the law, what he abused was wonderful, and that was cool, why aren't you happy?

Everyone didn't want to understand, but Mr. Lao Youtiao, the principal, thought he figured out the reason.

He chuckled, stepped forward and patted Gu Qiqi's shoulder lightly: "Qiqi, I know, you are worried about your boyfriend Gong Jue, right?"

Gu Qiqi suddenly woke up mentally, raised her eyes to look at the old principal, just about to say no...

Unexpectedly, the old headmaster made a "shh-" gesture, and then said with a smile—the online service of the real lady, helping you find books to chat with you, please wechat/letter/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 Waiting for you to flirt~

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