Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1564 The Tiger Sniffs the Rose, Domineering and Gentle

Qianqian Novel Network

The old principal's speech made the surrounding audience unable to make a sound for a long time.

Gu Qiqi was even more shocked.

It can be said that this is the first time she knows the other side of Gongjue.

It turned out that he was as simple and rude as him, but he would silently support so many poor students for so many years.

It is really unimaginable that such a meticulous and long-lasting good deed was done by him.

That scene was like a tiger sniffing a rose.

Domineering and gentle!

Gu Qiqi's nose was sore.

Not only was he moved by Gong Jue, but also moved by the fact that there are people like the old principal in the world who treat Gong Jue sincerely and believe in him.

This belief is not for the power of the palace, but for his character!

Don't look at the old headmaster who is usually so thick ~ dark, so smooth, in the case of Gong Jue, this old man showed his pure and true childish side.

Gu Qiqi murmured: "Thank you, I will replace him, thank you..."

The crowd of onlookers gradually reacted at this time, and expressed their views one after another:

"Qiqi, I agree with the old principal's point of view!"

"It turned out that those poor medical students were sponsored by the Sir. I said that they would join the army without hesitation after graduation. They were not afraid of such hardship. It can be said that the Sir has influenced the spiritual world of a large number of people..."

"I feel sorry for the Sir!"

"I really admire Sir Alex, who has been so misunderstood by the world, but never said a word!"

"Damn, I can't take it anymore, Qiqi, let's go to the Internet to speak out for the Sir, and seek justice for him, shall we?"

"Yes, we will testify for him! His Excellency is a first-class character! He will never do those things that hurt the world!"

Everyone was furious for a moment, and almost rushed out to demonstrate in the next second.

Gu Qiqi pursed her lips, but shook her head, not agreeing to the proposal:

"The time is not yet ripe. To tell you the truth, I have watched Sir Alex's dirty video several times. The strongest accusation in it can only be refuted by very objective witnesses and evidence."

"For example, relatives of the deceased in that village back then, especially the last sick and weak boy. The camera gave him such a long close-up. This boy must have a difficult background. He died, so what about his family? If his body or his family can be found , understand the situation, it may become a powerful rebuttal evidence."

Gu Qiqi had obviously been thinking about it for a long time, and she was going to whitewash Gong Jue, and she had prepared it in great detail, "Of course, there are also the dna test and blood test of the lord, to rule out that his body is different from ordinary people... …these are the data and the evidence that are convincing.”

"And our verbal belief can only be wishful thinking. Outsiders don't care about Sir Sir's character. They...are different from us after all..."

A sentence of them and a sentence of us shortened the distance between everyone.

Upon hearing this, the teachers and students present bowed their heads and thought for a moment.

I have to admit that Gu Qiqi's words make sense.

They raised their heads one after another, their gazes became firmer: "Qiqi, if you have a plan and need manpower, we will help you!"

Gu Qiqi smiled lightly: "Okay. Thank you all in advance!"

Unexpectedly, although I was slandered for no reason today.

In the end, it gained so many supporters.

Although she couldn't compare with tens of millions of netizens, at least she saw a glimmer of hope——

There are not only stupid people in this world who have brain damage and echo what others say.

There are still people who are willing to believe, to understand, to listen to the truth, and to have independent thinking and judgment.

It's a good start, isn't it?

She took a deep breath and said goodbye to everyone.

She is going to break into the prison tonight, the task is very heavy, it's time to go back and make preparations. The online service of the real lady, help you find books to chat with you, please wechat/message/search/search popular web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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