Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1574 The Man’s Mistake [Must Read]

Qianqian Novel Network

I'm sorry, I miss you!

Even though there were thousands of grievances, Gu Qiqi's heart melted a lot with this sound and this moment.

It was hard to hide the tears in her eyes, and after a moment of silence, she asked softly, "You know you're wrong?"

Gong Jue's attitude was sincere, and his tone was flattering: "I know I'm wrong!"

In order to express that he sincerely admitted his mistake, he even raised his hand and saluted Gu Qiqi as an emperor.

It's just that he forgot that he was still a prisoner, and when he raised his hand, the shackles on his hand were pulled away, hindering his movements with clanking clangs.

That military salute suddenly became nondescript.

This made him, as the former commander-in-chief of the three armies, who paid great attention to the demeanor and majesty of the army, very unbearable!

The big palm grabbed the chain and twisted it hard!

The joints of the chains gradually cracked and deformed bit by bit.

In the end, irresistibly and completely collapsed!


The heavy chain fell to the ground.

Gong Jue broke his wrists, and this time, he was finally able to salute Gu Qiqi in a serious manner: "I was wrong! I am willing to be punished!"

The only eyeball left by the jailer next to him almost rolled to the ground!


Such a thick iron chain was torn off so abruptly by Sir Sir, what does this mean?

Just like the horrifying scene of Gong Jue tearing apart the steel wall and breaking out just now, the jailer felt that his three views had been dealt a devastating blow.

This man was hiding his strength before!

If he wanted to get out of prison, it wasn't impossible.

But he is willing to suffer in prison, what is this for?

A terrifying thought emerged—could it be because of the man in front of the lord?

No, this is not a man, this is a woman, that voice, and the address of the palace prince, all indicate that this is a woman, and it is the woman Gu Qiqi who is being cursed by the whole network.

Gu Qiqi only heard Gu Qiqi continue to ask: "Know what's wrong? Where did you go wrong?"

Hmph, a man's confession is not enough on the surface. It's easy to say nice words, but does he really understand where he is wrong?

Gongjue's palm was uncomfortably large, feeling like he didn't know where to place it.

Although he is standing now, somehow, he feels like he is kneeling on the washboard!

The daughter-in-law is so fierce!

Grandpa has to think about how to answer this question, what if he makes his daughter-in-law go away again?

Gongjue pondered, looking very cautious.

Seeing that the jailer was stunned again.

Damn, Sir, how docile and afraid of this woman? This woman is simply convinced of Sir Alex's feelings.

A second ago, the strong man who broke the steel wall with his bare hands and tore off the iron chain, this second, in front of his own woman, unexpectedly turned into an "ear rake".

No, can, think, discuss!

The jailer suddenly felt that the conjecture just now was more credible.

The reason Sir Alexis is out of prison is that he is afraid of hurting that woman, and he wants to make a clean break with that woman, so as to completely prevent the black material from getting involved with that woman, right?

But now, the Sir came out because this woman caused a great disaster and disguised herself as a man to rob the prison!

If the lord does not show up again, this woman will not escape death if she is caught!

Suddenly, the jailer's mind was like a bright mirror.

Prison! Why didn't he climb out and report these two people?

One Gongjue and one Gu Qiqi, if he reported meritorious service, he would have no worries about food and clothing for the rest of his life. The online service of the real lady, help you find books to chat with you, please wechat/message/search/search popular web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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