Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1581 Master will come after taking a bath!

Qianqian Novel Network

After Gong Jue finished speaking, the room fell into dead silence for an instant.

Gu Qiqi remained silent, unable to see her expression clearly in the darkness, Gong Jue gradually became nervous again.

Knowing that he used to kill like hemp, bloody and cruel, will she look down on him?

Will she avoid him like a snake?

If she is so upright and kind, will she report him immediately and send him back to prison with her own hands?

However, if this is the case, he has nothing to say. He would rather be sent back by the woman he loves than be caught by those jailers. Die at the hands of the one you love, this life is not in vain!

All sorts of thoughts flashed across Gong Jue's mind.

Who would have thought-

Gu Qiqi suddenly said, "So what?"

so what?

That is a black history that cannot be erased or explained clearly, Qiqi.

Gong Jue's voice was slightly hoarse, and he said in a deep voice: "Look clearly at the man in front of you, he is a murderer, a barbarian, and... a man spurned by the whole world..."

Gu Qiqi interrupted him unceremoniously, and knocked on his forehead again: "That's the man I chose too! It doesn't matter to me what the whole world thinks!"

Gong Jue's expression was shocked.

He knew that Gu Qiqi had always protected his weaknesses.

But she didn't know that Gu Qiqi protected her shortcomings to such a deep extent.

The unreserved trust in him, the unreasonable protection of his shortcomings, hearing his hard heart, instantly turned into soft fingers, wishing to take care of her in the palm of his hand for eternity, and never let her be sad for a second !

"Qiqi, master..." He opened his mouth, trying to say something, but he couldn't continue.

Gu Qiqisu put her hands on his shoulders, suddenly grabbed the collar of his shirt, and pulled him closer with force: "Stop talking nonsense. Aren't you in prison and said you want to do something colorful? Don't hurry up and do it?"

After speaking, he blew on his face.

That tone of voice, that demeanor, that's like a little girl on the upper body of a hooligan.

Seeing Gong Jue's body, he immediately saluted.

He took a deep breath, grabbed her waist, and leaned close to her delicate face: "Do it now?"

Gu Qiqi blinked: "Of course!"

Gong Jue's Adam's apple rolled up and down, his voice hoarse: "Do it here?"

Gu Qiqi raised her chin: "Yes!"

That provocative and seductive appearance, how touching, how touching!

The place under Gong Jue's body was already shameful, and it became wider.

Uncontrollable throbbing, as if there was no ground, slapping the place where she touched him.

If he endured it any longer, he would simply not be a man!

Pick her up and put her directly on the dining table!

She is like the most beautiful dinner, tempting him to taste it!

"Wait! Is Mo Yuan safe?" Gu Qiqi suddenly pushed him.

Gong Jue squinted his eyes: "Of course. They have searched this place before, so it is expected that I will not come to such an obvious place. The most dangerous place is the safest place, not to mention that Moyuan No. 0 is my private property. But the property rights have already... been transferred out."

This house is registered in her name.

This silly girl doesn't even know that she already owns an independent island, a top villa in the best location in the imperial capital!

Gu Qiqi felt relieved: "Okay. Then let's start!"

Gong Jue suddenly pursed his lips: "Wait!"

He lowered his head and looked at his body: "Wait for Grandpa to take a shower and come right away!"

He was imprisoned for a month, and his beard had grown out, and he hadn't cleaned up his body properly. How could he have the nerve to meet each other so sincerely?

Gu Qiqi was startled, and when she understood, she couldn't help laughing: "Okay." The online service of the real lady will help you find books to chat with you, please wechat/message/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 to wait for you~

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