Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1587: Become a man overnight [2]

Qianqian Novel Network

Gong Jue spoke slowly, his voice was still childish and immature, but he had already revealed a hint of cold and domineering: "Wo! Blood! No! Outside!"

The bodyguards in the room were dumbfounded when they heard the four words, and they all thought silently in their hearts, is this three-year-old boy a fool?

Can you speak human language?

It can't be a wolf boy, can it?

Earl Huff grinned his lips and laughed loudly: "Okay."

Others can't understand, but he knows it clearly.

Gong Jue had little contact with humans since he was a child, and spent most of his time in this wolf den made of iron cages, so he had no chance to communicate with people.

Therefore, the language he knows is pitiful.

It's all one word, half a word, popping out like this, expressing the simplest meaning.

If the four words just now were translated in human language, it would be—"This iron cage is my den! If you kill the female wolf, there will be blood in the cage! I don't like the place where I live is dirty and full of blood! Go outside and kill!"

Earl Huff readily agreed.

Anyway, Gong Jue, a brat, can't fly with his wings!

Killing this wolf is just the beginning, he will step by step, train this damned cub into the most perfect killing machine!

After Earl Huff agreed, the bodyguards stepped aside and opened the cage.

Gong Jue walked the she-wolf into the yard silently.

Under the scorching sun, he and the she-wolf looked at each other.

Years of living together have formed a unique tacit understanding between them.

The she-wolf saw determination in his eyes!

Moreover, from the posture of the rows of bodyguards waiting in full force behind him, he felt a sense of uneasiness!

The animal's instinct made the hair on its back stand up even more!

"Go, go! They're going to kill you! You pretend to run to the front left, and turn right immediately when the gunshots sound! There is a mouse hole I dug in the southeast corner of the right. It is covered by weeds. It is very wide. You can Get out!"

Gong Jue didn't move at all, and didn't even lift his lips.

Just by eye contact, I told the mother wolf all this information.

It took him two full years to dig that mouse hole.

Since the beginning of three months, he has vaguely understood from the conversations between Earl Herve and others that he is not his relative, but his captive slave and enemy.

At the age of 1, he started to walk. Taking advantage of every time he let the wind go, he began to look for opportunities to dig the courtyard wall. Sometimes he pretended to catch grasshoppers, and sometimes he pretended to trip... As time went by, he really dug Open a channel.

Just wait for the right time to escape.

Although he didn't know where he should escape to, he knew that it was absolutely impossible to stay here.

However, all these preparations were unconditionally given to the female wolf at this moment.

If he can't leave, he can still wait for the opportunity.

If the female wolf cannot walk, it is a dead end.

Gong Jue's eyes made the she-wolf look flustered!

Run away by yourself? Leave the child alone?

Gong Jue didn't give her a chance to hesitate, and directly stabbed her with a knife: "Go! It's too late! Don't come back after you leave, go far away! Hurry up! Hurry up! Hurry up!"

He raised the knife and poked it on the tip of the she-wolf's tail.

The tip of the knife was covered in blood.


The bodyguards applauded and even let go of their pistols.

Not bad, this little bastard also looks like he has two skills, he dared to kill a wolf when he was three years old.

Earl Huff also showed a smile of approval: "Very good, continue!"

Only Gong Jue knew in his heart that this knife was just a show to deceive others.

The bleeding from the tip of the tail seems to be profuse, which is shocking, but it actually heals very quickly, and it doesn't hurt, and it doesn't affect the mobility and attack power.

Of course the she-wolf is aware of Gong Jue's intentions!

There were tears in its eyes, and it was reluctant to let go, but it could only listen to Gong Jue's words, seize the opportunity, and jump out! The online service of the real lady, help you find books to chat with you, please wechat/message/search/search popular web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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