Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1599 The reason why Gong Jue cannot touch women [6]

Chapter 1602 The Reason Why Gong Jue Can't Touch Women

That girl is truly amazing!

With hazy eyes, he couldn't even see her appearance clearly, but he could clearly feel her tenderness and kindness.

There is also a touch of irreplaceable vitality!

Like a little sun, it instantly lit up his gloomy and hopeless remaining life.

He wants to live!

Kill Huff!

To be free!

I also want to see how the flowers are blooming, how delicious the fish are...and more importantly, what she really looks like! It must be ten thousand times more beautiful and cuter than her voice, right?

It's like seeing it with your own eyes... That playful little wild cat!

When Gong Jue woke up again, it was already early morning.

He was moved to an abandoned cave nearby.

The clean and soft withered grass was cushioned under his body, which was quite comfortable.

On the flat stone cave floor, there is a bonfire with fish soup stewed on it.

The aroma of fish soup hit, Gong Jue couldn't help but move his nose - it smells so good!

There was a gentle conversation in the ear, which was very warm:

"Mommy, Mommy, look, big brother is awake! Let me serve him soup, okay?"

"Okay. Wash the herbs you dug up today and soak them in first, it can help his wound heal quickly."

"Mommy, can this kind of elderberry really be able to grow bones?"

"Well, the general ones are naturally not good. The one we found is a centuries-old elderberry, so the medicinal effect is naturally different. As for whether it can be restored to its original state..."

The young woman sighed.

It depends on the child's fortune.

When she cleaned the bullets and wounds for him, it was shocking.

How could a teenage body of flesh and blood bear so many bullets, and how could the other party be so cruel.

She has a soft heart, and she couldn't help crying while treating the child.

If this is her son, it will hurt to death!

Thinking about going out for a trip today, I accidentally got lost with my husband and youngest son in Hanbeiling, and there was no signal in the deep mountains, I couldn’t make calls on my mobile phone, and I couldn’t even see a village, so I took my daughter around for a long time. After finding her husband and youngest son, she met this little boy halfway.

Maybe this is fate!

If it was his youngest son who was abused in this way, he would definitely fight the enemy desperately.

Now that she has saved someone else's son, she only hopes to accumulate good fortune for her youngest son, and hopes that the youngest son will also be helped by someone in the future...

Thinking of this, she did her best to rescue Gongjue without hesitation, and delayed the opportunity to reunite with her husband and son...

Seeing that it was getting late, she had no choice but to find a cave to hide from the wild beasts first, and then spend the night.

Fortunately, Gong Jue's physical fitness is really not ordinary. After recovering the will to survive, the body heals quite quickly. In addition, she is good at medicine treatment. After this night, whether the child can recover or not, there should be an answer up.

She directed her daughter to help her prepare medicine and make soup, and the two mothers and daughters took good care of Gong Jue, and they just passed the night peacefully...

Early the next morning.

Gong Jue is still awake.

The woman got up again and was busy picking fruit for breakfast for the three of them.

When she came back, she wanted to help Gongjue get up, but she suddenly found that the place where her arm touched Gongjue's arm gradually turned red!


The woman racked her brains to remember what she had given him.

The fish is a river fish, which is mild in nature and will not cause allergies.

The medicinal materials have also been carefully processed, and there are no allergens.

She tried to touch Gong Jue again, and this time it was terrible, wherever her skin came into contact with it, there was a red patch immediately, like a rubella!

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