Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1603 Shocking reversal! 【must see】

Qianqian Novel Network

"Then what happened later? What happened to the girl and her mother? Didn't you find her?" Gu Qiqi asked anxiously.

The corner of Gong Jue's lips twitched violently: "..."

The stupid woman was so focused on listening to the story that she didn't seem to have heard the affectionate confession she made just now...!

What the Lord said, from the beginning to the end, you are the only one who loves you. Could it be that this confession is so ordinary that a stupid woman would dismiss it?

A straight man of steel had serious doubts about his level of confession.

But obviously, Gu Qiqi has already exposed this stubble, urging him to hurry up and tell the second half of the story.

Gong Jue went on.

That night, Gong Jue was exhausted and fell into the quagmire by the river.

He'd never looked forward to it as much as he did now, and Huff's people, to find him, better drag him back.

In this way, he can know whether Hufu has bumped into the kind little wild cat and her mother.

However, no one came all night.

Before, Huff sent people over every day to check if he was dead or not!

But thinking of this, he also felt a little suspicious. He had disappeared by the river for three days and three nights, and Huff didn't send anyone to search the mountain to find him out.

This is very unusual!

He instinctively concluded that there was some new conspiracy on Huff's side?

After soaking in the mud all night, in the early morning of the next day, he stretched his legs and found that he could finally move again.

He immediately stood up and walked towards Huff's courtyard.

This time, he walked like flying!

The girl's mother's medical skills are really amazing!

It is said that it will heal in four days, and one day less will not work.

He regained strength in his hands and feet, picked up a strong wooden stick on the road, held a knife in his right hand, and a stick in his left hand, ready to fight Hefu to the death, desperately trying to rescue the girl and her mother.

However, when he rushed to the familiar courtyard, he rushed in.

But he found that there was no obstruction or ambush at all.

To be exact, the courtyard was empty!

It's just that there is a faint smell of blood in the air!

He was taken aback.

I thought it was another new trick by Huff.

Putting on guard, he pushed open the door of the hall——

The scene in front of him completely surprised him!

Blood and corpses lay all over the place!

Obviously, there has been a lot of fighting here!

Judging from the spots on the corpse, it was at least three days ago!

No wonder no one went to the river to watch him...

Gong Jue looked at the corpses all over the place, feeling complicated in his heart!

He originally wanted to kill these people with his own hands, but suddenly the plot reversed overnight, and these people had already been killed...

This mountain forest is so remote, who could it be that seeks revenge and finds it here?

Could it be his parents?


It has been 16 years, and his parents have never looked for him.

How could it appear suddenly?

Gong Jue's cold lips were tightly pressed into a line, enduring the strong smell of blood, and walked around the hall.

There are many corpses, all of which are Huff's bodyguards.

But he counted, and the number was wrong.

There are at least one hundred and fifty bodyguards who live beside Huff.

There are less than seventy people here.

What about the other bodyguards?

And most importantly - where did Huff's body go?

Gong Jue looked at the mechanism in the middle of the hall. The last time Huff used the mechanism tunnel to escape, will it be the same this time?

He stepped forward, relying on his memory, turned on the mechanism button, but suddenly found that the mechanism tunnel under the floor had been blocked and could no longer be opened.

It seems that Huff is not dead at all!

He must have received the news from the enemy in advance, and fled with some bodyguards!

And the rest of these poor people became scapegoats, poor worms, and were killed here alive. The online service of the real lady, help you find books to chat with you, please wechat/message/search/search popular web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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