Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1605 The truth of the second black material video

Qianqian Novel Network

The bodyguard suddenly flushed with embarrassment.

Yeah, why are you so thick-skinned?

Thinking about how he dealt with the wolf boy Gongjue when he was under Hefu?

Killing the she-wolf, torturing the cook, cutting off his hands and feet...

After doing so many unconscionable things, how did he muster up the courage to ask Gong Jue to save him? Take him in?

"Say, where is Huff's hiding place?" Gong Jue asked coldly.

"I, I don't know either! Really! Last time he took us to hide in an abandoned bear den in the forest. But this time it must be different, the place is changed, and I am left behind, so I don't know his arrangement. "

Gong Jue pinched the bodyguard's jawbone, and said coldly: "You better pray that what you are telling is the truth, otherwise... I will come back and let you know the consequences of lying!"

After all, he strode away!

The bodyguard was still in shock. Could the aura of this sixteen-year-old boy be so strong and shocking!

Xindao finally escaped, and then he wept again: My leg is broken, I can't walk away, can't I just wait obediently?

If he had told a lie, the prince would not be able to find Huff in a while, and he would definitely kill himself when he came back.

But what he said is true!

It's really useless!

If Gong Jue didn't come back to make trouble for him, he still couldn't leave because he was crippled, so he could only wait to die, and the final result was to starve to death in this pile of corpses.


Unless you eat the corpses of your companions next to you to make a living!


The bodyguard was about to throw up just thinking about it!

Can people really be desperate to survive?


The Duke of Gong left Hefu's yard and thought for a moment.

Since Huff can come and go freely, his hiding place will not be too far away.

But it is not easy to be found by the enemy.

Where will this place be?

How come I've never heard of Huff?

The cunning rabbit's three caves, Huff will not continue to hide in the bear's den, so the next step, is there any place suitable for more than 80 people to hide in this mountain forest with a radius of a hundred miles?

Gong Jue thought quickly.

Suddenly, a thought came to mind.

The directions he had been thinking about before were all hidden places.

However, the more dangerous the place in this world, the safer it is.

What if Huff was hiding in the crowd?

Could the small village at the foot of the mountain, a small village with only a few dozen families, be Huff's hiding place?

Thinking like this, Gong Jue immediately ran wildly!

Because, in case the little wild cat is caught there, if he arrives one minute late, the little wild cat will be in danger for one minute!

The little wild cat is his benefactor, the little wild cat's mother has jumped off the cliff, he can't let the little wild cat fall into misfortune!

Its daybreak.

Gong Jue rushed all the way to the unnamed small village at the foot of the mountain.

The isolated village is as quiet as an old scalper lying at the foot of a mountain.

In fact, there really was a cow, led by an old farmer, walking along the small bridge by the village towards the farmland.

With a knife in his hand, Gong Jue approached the village step by step...

He met the old farmer and the scalper on the small bridge.

He was just about to ask the old farmer if he knew of any strangers who had visited the village.

But he suddenly discovered that the old farmer was blind.

Even leading the cattle to cross the bridge, you have to take a slow step, exploring and walking forward, how can you notice strangers, have you been to the village?

Gong Jue closed his mouth without asking.

He kept going.


The moment he passed by the old farmer.

Suddenly, a familiar scent drifted across his nostrils.

Even under the cover of the old farmer's mottled coat of soil and the smell of cattle dung, the familiar faint smell was still immediately recognized by Gong Jue.

That's the smell of snow wolves! The online service of the real lady, help you find books to chat with you, please wechat/message/search/search popular web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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