Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1608 Who is the boy who cooks medicine? 【must see】

Qianqian Novel Network

Gong Jue stared at him.

The simple thatched house and the clean and simple yard seem a little different from the previous houses.

In the air, there was even a faint scent of medicine, which was similar to the scent of the little wild cat and her mother.

Gong Jue hastily opened the door and entered, but what he saw was a young man cooking medicine!

The boy's back was weak, his hands were pale and bloodless, his back was facing him, and he was adding firewood to the medicine stove.

The knife in Gongjue's hand was just about to fall as soon as he raised it.

The young man suddenly turned his head slowly...

The young man's tired, sickly but sharp and calm face appeared in front of Gong Jue.

The face can be disguised, but the temperament cannot be disguised!

Just like Huff's people, no matter how they make up, they look like honest villagers.

But in the eyes of Gong Jue, that obscene and vicious temperament cannot be erased.

But this young man has a completely different temperament.

Even though she was dressed in plain clothes, she exuded a touch of nobility.

Moreover, there is no such fierce hostility in his eyes.

On the contrary, there is a kind of maturity and stability that is not commensurate with his age.

Gong Jue paused his gestures, the blade did not come down completely.

"Hello." The boy didn't care about his knife, nor did he have any panic or fear. The calmness in his eyes didn't look like a boy at all, but like an old guy who had lived for a thousand years. His tone was calm and terrifying, "You, are you the man who came to look for that little wild cat?"

Little wild cat?

For some reason, Gong Jue felt uncomfortable for a moment when he heard the other party also say this title.

He thought that this was his unique name for that kind girl.

But I never thought that there are other men in this world who feel the same way about that little girl!


Very uncomfortable!

However, he still sensibly endured the discomfort and focused on the key points of the other party's words: "Did you meet her? Where is she now?"

Gong Jue put down the butcher knife.

Did not cut at the boy.

It's a pity that the shooting of this scene was stopped just as the drone's battery was exhausted!

The last shot is the shot of Gong Jue slashing at the young man with a knife, freeze frame!

Following the inertia, the drone glides out of the village and falls into the mountain stream...

"General Xiahou, what is this?"

"Let me watch it." The aged General Xiahou frowned, watching his subordinates play some footage on the player, "Why is it all a young man killing people? Is this young man Hefu's subordinate?"

"Reporting to the general, probably not. I didn't find this young man in Hefu's territory. Seeing how barbaric he is... maybe he's a lunatic? Shall we go and capture him?"

"That's all! Don't pay attention to him for now. It's important for us to arrest Huff. That old guy has a dignified appearance and occupies a noble title. In fact, he has been secretly running his son's mercenary group, and he has done countless wicked things! This time we I heard that his people were haunting Hanbeiling. It was originally an operation to catch a turtle in a urn. Who knows that the terrain here in Hanbeiling is too complicated! If we can't hunt him down as soon as possible, and he escapes into the deep mountains, or even into the country of S, we will do it again. It's hard to catch him!" General Xiahou ordered decisively.

All the soldiers under his command respectfully obeyed: "Yes!"

Although the old General Xiahou's position in the army is not high, he has always had a high prestige and is very low-key. He is a military doctor and treats the soldiers very well. It can be said that he loves soldiers like children.

Therefore, everyone obeyed his orders.

The adjutant put away the drone's videotape, and made a copy as usual and kept it at Xiahou's house.

The other copy will be sent to the Imperial Military Archives for archiving... Miss Zhenren is an online service, helping you find books to chat with you, please wechat/message/search/search for hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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