Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1630: Jaw-dropping

Qianqian Novel Network

Isn't it good beauty?

Why use sharp knives and strange hoses to get in?

Even, on the operating table next to it, there are thick piercing needles, some strange steel beads, steel rings, and steel nails, scattered in bits and pieces in the white enamel tray.

Frankly speaking, although Gu Xuexue is a scumbag, she has attended medical school for a few days at least, and knows a thing or two about basic medical knowledge.

These sharp knives, hoses, piercing needles, and rings of beads are obviously not ordinary medical tools.

What is Uncle Lai going to do to her? !

Before she could think about it, Uncle Lai's sharp knife and hose had penetrated under her!

"Oh no--!"

A sharp pain from digging out the flesh made her break out in cold sweat and shiver non-stop.

If her limbs were not immobilized, she would definitely jump off the operating table desperately and say nothing.

But now she is like meat on the chopping board, and can only be slaughtered.

After a while, Gu Xuexue's voice became hoarse when she shouted, and then she realized that Uncle Lai didn't even give her an anesthetic, no wonder it hurt so much!

"Why... why don't you give me a shot, anesthesia, anesthesia, medicine?" Her aching teeth were chattering, and she couldn't speak fluently.

Uncle Lai was operating skillfully, cutting a small wound on the inner wall with a sharp knife, then quickly inserted a hose into the wound, and squeezed a round fine steel ball into it.

Immediately, I used the hose to push the beads in as hard as I could and fixed them under the skin.

He operated quickly, and he finished two or three beads in an instant.

Then continue to measure the width and depth of Gu Xuexue, and continue to think about the distribution of the beads.

While operating, without raising his eyebrows, he answered Gu Xuexue's question: "Are you talking about anesthetics? Do you understand that anesthetics are very expensive? You also need to hire a special anesthetist. Your mother didn't pay for it. !"

Gu Xuexue almost fainted from anger: "..."

Didn't take anesthesia, so it was because of lack of money? ? ?

Isn't this too irresponsible?

She has always been the little princess who is pampered by Gu Meifeng, she has everything she wants, but now she is so reduced that she can't even pay for an anesthetic, which makes her almost die of pain.

She just wanted to say, can I still owe the debt?

From now on, if I hook up with a rich and powerful man, I will pay you back ten times!


Uncle Lai smacked his lips: "I said young people, just bear with it, and you will be happy after a few days after the pain is over. I really have never seen your mother and daughter like this, so suitable for artistic beauty for the following! Ordinary people do this, It's hard to get the beads in, but you look good, the skin is quite loose, and it's easy to get in. The beads can roll around after getting in, and the effect is amazing! You just have to experience my superb medical skills!"

Gu Xuexue's body tightened!

What? He got a bead in?

No wonder she felt as if a foreign object had been forced into her flesh, and the pain was excruciating.

"You, take out that bead quickly, I don't want any bead!"

"Well... there's more than one, eight of them have been buried now. Let's make up ten of them later, and it will just make two circles. The effect is amazing!" Uncle Lai was very satisfied, and at the same time threatened her unceremoniously, "Now If you pull it out, I will still charge the operation fee, but you will be at great risk of infection and sepsis! Are you sure you want to take it out?"

Gu Xuexue was sweating coldly!

Eight...eight? ! ! !

And there are two more to go in!

In the blink of an eye, she recalled that she had heard that some ducks in the Dige Club would bury a few beads on the performing arts weapons in order to please the female guests, to add more fun.

Unexpectedly, women can bury beads too!

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