Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1634 The way Sir Sir hurts women [3]

Qianqian Novel Network

"Enemy? Impossible!" The reporters had never seen such a case in their life.

The enemy helped escape from the prison, am I afraid that I am crazy?

However, Bai Yeyuan was confident: "Based on the value of my lord, if I were an enemy, I would also be willing to hijack him. If I do well, I might be able to move him, use it for me, and join our camp. Even if he doesn't do anything It doesn’t matter if you don’t move and don’t want to join our camp. As long as you take him out of the prison, he has committed a capital crime. I can’t use it, so let him die! As an enemy, hijacking him is just earning money business!"

Although Bai Yeyuan's words are just a hypothesis for the reporter to explain his thinking.

However, it still makes people shudder.

This Young Master Bai is indeed ruthless!

Unknowingly, everyone had been distracted by Bai Yeyuan's few words, and they were now discussing with great interest who was the one who saved Gongjue.

But Bai Yeyuan calmly solved the difficult reporters, but this method has not been noticed by more people for the time being.

Gu Qiqi looked at the screen, the news of Bailang robbing the prison, only made a fuss for a while and then sank.

"This Bai Yeyuan's ability is really well-deserved, but it is really powerful," she murmured, "But why did he speak for me? He should know that the person who framed Bailang may be the only one in the emperor who has obvious motives and is the most suspicious , and most urgently to save you... If he tells the reporter that the suspect is me, even if there is no evidence to support him, it will cause me a lot of trouble, vent your anger for Bailang, right? He didn't mention it... Strange..."

She waited for a while, but did not wait for the palace lord to answer.

Can't help but look sideways at him.

As a result, I successfully saw what a certain vinegar tank looked like before it exploded.

Gong Jue sullenly glared at Bai Yeyuan on the screen angrily: "A thirty-year-old bachelor, what skills do you have? Stupid woman, do you want to know who is better? Why do you want to try? Just now Master's ability, isn't it 'big' enough? Haven't you been sent to heaven yet?"

Gu Qiqi: "..."

Thirty-year-old bachelor...

Gong Jue, you call your brother that, is it made up?

Sure enough, this kind of question involving other men shouldn't be asked Gong Jue in the first place!

Vinegar vat convulsions can be done regardless of time, place, occasion, or posture!

Gu Qiqi was thinking speechlessly when her beautiful eyes glanced at Bai Yeyuan's small movement on the screen inadvertently.

His palms moved behind him, as if they were touching something.

Gu Qiqi stared at the camera closely, and sure enough, when the camera turned around, she saw Xiao Ning who was shrinking behind Bai Yeyuan, like an obedient little animal, protected by him and no one dared to disturb him easily.

In a flash, Gu Qiqi understood.

It's Xiao Ning!

Xiao Ning must have begged her little uncle, don't mention her, Gu Qiqi, in front of the reporters.

Otherwise, how could a businessman like Bai Yeyuan let him go so easily?

Definitely want revenge.

Feeling warm in her heart, Gu Qiqi looked at Xiao Ning again, feeling a little worried—what did this silly girl pay for begging her little uncle to forgive her for herself?

Could it be... endure the humiliation?

She frowned and became even more disturbed. She looked at the two whispering on the screen, but she couldn't hear anything, and her lips were blocked, so she couldn't guess.

As everyone knows, at this moment, Bai Yeyuan finished dealing with the reporter, and said to Xiao Ning in a low voice: "I kept my promise and didn't expose the good deeds of that female fox, Gu Qiqi. What about you? Huh? What you promised, can you do it?"

Xiao Ning answered vaguely like a mosquito: "Yeah." The real lady is online service, helping you find books to chat with you, please wechat/letter/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you flirt~

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