Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1636 Hmph, it hurts them to death!

Qianqian Novel Network

Gu Qiqi couldn't help being curious, raised her eyebrows and asked Gong Jue: "Then, other people's girlfriends have pierced ears, don't you envy them?"

Although you can wear ear clips without pierced ears, after all, there are very few styles of ear clips. Anyway, she hardly wears them normally, so she doesn't have the kind of ring-worn, gentle and pleasant image to show.

Sometimes looking at other girls wearing a pair of beautiful and exquisite earrings, the whole person looks a little more feminine.

Gong Jue snorted: "It hurts them to death!"


This answer is very royal and rude enough!

Gu Qiqi supported her forehead speechlessly: "I can't say that, it's just that I'm more afraid of pain, and other girls are brave and not afraid of pain."

Gong Jue raised his chin: "Anyway, I'm a woman, I absolutely don't allow any unnecessary pain! Not allowed, just not allowed!"

A warm current flowed across Gu Qiqi's heart.

In any case, this man really loves her so much that it is unreasonable.

He won't let her do anything she doesn't like.

Put her first and put her first in everything.

This is the way he loves her, the way people are touched from the bottom of their hearts.

However, the feeling of gratitude has not passed for three seconds...

Gong Jue suddenly rubbed her chubby little earlobe, and hooked his lips: "I'm not interested in this ear piercing, I just have another hole from you..."

Gu Qiqi: "...!"

With a blushing face, she thought to herself, if she was misled by the stupid man, why did she subconsciously put her legs together in the first place!

He was talking about that dong... cough cough!

Gong Jue's gaze, penetrating, swept over the edge of her thin nightdress.

This was a new one he put on for her with his own hands. He specially picked out the shortest one, which couldn't even cover her legs and roots.

The sheets hadn't been changed yet, they were tossed and crumpled, and there was a small puddle of wet water around her legs.

Gong Jue watched, his Adam's apple rolled, and his lower body became tight again.

I couldn't help but put my arms around her little snake waist: "I like the original taste. It's not impossible to have tricks, but you must not do things that hurt your body! Understand? Let me do it if you want to do it, such as shaving a different stubble, or..."

Gu Qiqi's face turned even redder and she felt ashamed: "..."

Can you stop mentioning the sinful and impure stuff of stubble!

Can she take back what she said just now that he will hurt people?


Wait, no!

What kind of trouble is the stupid man approaching suddenly?

"Hmm... what are you doing, Lord Gong!"

"Don't make noise! ​​I'm giving you a new way to enjoy...! How about it, does this feel a little better?"

"No...! Uh... um!" Gu Qiqi struggled.

"How about changing to this posture?" Gong Jue asked patiently.

Gu Qiqi wanted to cry but had no tears: "..."

Obviously it was discussing ear piercing, why did it end up being eaten again?

What about heaven? ? ?


this day.

Gu Qiqi couldn't walk out of the gate of Mo Garden from morning till night.

At the beginning, he was pestered by the palace prince, accepting the never-tiring cultivation of men over and over again.


At dusk, Gong Jue let her go.

But the problem is, when she got out of bed, her legs became limp...!

He was carried back to bed by Gong Jue with a mocking smile.

So, I had no choice but to resign myself to my fate and spend the whole day on the bed presumptuously.

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