Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1641 Number one fanboy: Xiaotuanzi!

Qianqian Novel Network

"Qiqi, good boy, you don't need to explain, I believe you. And you don't have to pay attention to my old man's nonsense. The reason why he is so nervous about your relationship with Jue'er is actually because he is worried that you will know about Jue'er. The dark experience in childhood would make him unbearable and abandon him. Jazz has never been in a relationship or loved a girl in his life. He is worried that Jazz will not be able to bear this emotional injury. You can understand how an old father treats his children like this Overprotective?"

The corners of Gong Qing's lips twitched violently, and ten thousand horses roared in his heart: Daughter-in-law, although what you said hit my mind, the problem is, I'm not old, I'm not an old father!

Gu Qiqi glanced at Gong Qing unexpectedly.

Unexpectedly, Papa Gong was quite delicate in his heart.

The corners of her lips curled slightly: "Uncle, then you don't have to worry, a vixen will not give up easily."

Gong Qing: "...!"

The fox girl absolutely cannot believe what she says.

Song Song smiled gratifiedly: "The first time I saw you, I thought you would be with Jueer forever."

Gong Qing: "...!"

I didn't see it!

Gu Qiqi nodded: "I will, Auntie. He and I will accompany each other."

Gong Qing: "...huh!"

Who can't say nice fox words!

Song Song Fu forehead, his man is too embarrassing, he has to be pulled in quickly to educate him.

She smiled and suggested to Gu Qiqi: "Xiaotuanzi is upstairs in the bedroom, you should go and see him first, he misses you very much."

"Okay." Gu Qiqi stood up politely, "Uncle, Auntie, I'll go up first."

When he reached the stairs, he stopped suddenly, turned his head and said to Gong Qing and his wife with a smile: "Uncle, aunt, I forgot to tell you. I can promise here that even if the whole world turns its back on Gong Jue, I will still be with you." same, firmly stand by his side. He is here, and I am here!"

he is!

I'm here!

Gong Qing was startled.

I didn't expect this fox girl to be so loyal.

In the next second, something even more shocking came——

"I forgot to tell you that Jue has been robbed and released from prison. I did it. He is fine and safe now, don't read it."

After Gu Qiqi finished speaking lightly, she stepped up the steps slowly.

Gong Qing and his wife looked at each other, their eyes were full of shock!

Gong Qing's heartbeat speeded up, and he was going crazy: "Hey, fox girl, stop for me, half of what you say and don't make it clear, where did you get Gong Jue? How can you, a stinky girl, have the ability to rob prison? Who are you lying to?" Woolen cloth?"

Song Song grabbed him and said, "Shh! Husband, keep your voice down! Qiqi has a proper way of doing things, I trust her."

"I, I don't believe it!" Gong Qing vented his dissatisfaction gloomily.

"You only have one negative vote. Me, Jue'er, and Tuanzi, we have three positive votes. Therefore, your objection is invalid." Song Song silenced him who was crying endlessly.

Gong Qing: "..."

Really, making him look like a difficult in-laws, the fox girl is too bad.


Second floor bedroom.

Xiaotuanzi sat at the desk intently.

There are several laptops in front of him, as well as several ipads and smart phones.

And his chubby hands were quickly operating something on the keyboard.

On the display screen, the same screen is displayed all over the screen.

That is the largest online social platform in the empire, the oq community.

At this moment, the most popular topic in the oq community is "the past and present life of Gu Qiqi, a student from the August 18th ** Medical University!"

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