Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1652 Dare to imitate Lao Tzu to flirt with girls?

Qianqian Novel Network

In the video, Rusev cursed Gu Qiqi in the most vicious language, and even tried to sneak up on her and kill her.

It's a pity, how could his poor three-legged cat kung fu be Gu Qiqi's opponent?

In order to protect herself, Gu Qiqi subdued him three times and five times, and beat him until he screamed, fart, roll, pee, and bleed.

That movement, that aura, so handsome as hell!

After watching it, Gong Jue confirmed that it was exactly the same as the video evidence in his hand.

This surveillance video, but he carefully saved it for backup, only in the hands of his family and Bailang, it is almost impossible for outsiders to find it.

Could it be that boy Bailang who deliberately left out this share at the beginning, and then when someone took advantage of this matter, he pretended to use it to curry favor with Gu Qiqi?

As soon as Gong Jue thought about it, the more he thought about it, the more he felt it was possible.

Especially on Weibo hot searches, the original "Gu Qiqi is treacherous and cunning" quickly became "Gu Qiqi is ice-snow and smart", "Gu Qiqi is handsome and mighty", "Gu Qiqi wins glory for the country"...!

It can be seen that when this video is released now, it not only silences the whistleblower, but also creates a powerful positive publicity for Gu Qiqi.

In the hearts of netizens, Gu Qiqi is more handsome than a goddess.

If someone later fabricates Gu Qiqi's scandal for no reason, then the credibility will be greatly reduced.

If Gu Qiqi knew about this effect, she would definitely be satisfied and grateful.

And if Bailang takes this credit to claim credit...

This should be him asking the stupid woman for credit, okay?

"Damn, Bailang, you brat, I really misjudged you. I didn't expect you to be against my woman on the surface, but in fact you have evil intentions and want to please my woman?!"

"Have you lived enough? Huh?"

Gongjue uttered angrily.

And the more you look at it, the more it looks like Bailang's behavior.

Especially take a closer look at the user name who posted the video first - "I just want to spoil women"

Damn, the brat is not only fantasizing about Lao Tzu's women.

He also learned to imitate Lao Tzu's tone of voice to flirt with girls like a dog.

He thinks that Bailang's best destination for the rest of his life should be Africa, Africa! ! !

Ten miles away.

Bai Lang, who had just been released on bail by the Bai family, sneezed several times into the sky for no reason.

He was imprisoned inexplicably, and he really wanted to cry, but now even the heavens are bullying him, this is to make him catch a cold! Ahh-!

And the ink garden side.

Gong Jue's attempt to clean up Gu Qiqi's innocence was in vain.

also depressed to death

Being preempted by "Bailang", he can't upload another video.

He researched on Weibo for a long time, and found that the video was not popular enough, and he didn't know if "Bailang" was short of money and couldn't afford the sailors, and his momentum still couldn't get up.

He finally found a place to use it.

Quickly contact Adjutant Lu again, and ask him to mobilize the power of the hacker circle, mobilize the navy to help build momentum, hold up that video, and let more people see that Gu Qiqi is not a traitor, but a patriotic and passionate person!

Poor Adjutant Lu was agitated, wondering if the lord finally ordered him to do something important this time.

Unexpectedly, it was such a trivial matter!

My lord, have you forgotten that you are still a condemned and guilty man? Aren't you going to lead us to seek justice?

The sad Adjutant Lu carried out the order to invite the navy.

It wasn't until he saw clearly what the mission of the navy was and whose topic he was talking about, that he vaguely guessed what it was...

It turned out to be for Miss Qiqi...!

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