Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1655 Madam can say anything!

Qianqian Novel Network

The restaurant of the Commander-in-Chief's Mansion was originally quite high-end, and the food was quite delicious.

However, since Gong Jue was imprisoned and the cabinet re-appointed a group of civil servants under his banner to take over the positions of Gong Jue's subordinates, everything has changed.

All the cronies of the palace were dismissed with excuses, those who were idle were idle, and even the master chef who had worked in the restaurant for more than ten years was given an excuse by the new chief to say that there were hairs in the food, and then he showed no mercy Back home!

They didn't even give them pensions.

The heavens can learn from it, the master has a bald head, so would you be ashamed to have a woman's long hair? ? ?

Familiar people and familiar places have all changed.

Gong Jue's old subordinates, every time they went to the restaurant to eat, they were either stared at or given to the leftovers, and even once, they were ridiculed: "A bunch of traitors, how dare you come to eat the country's food?"

The newly appointed chef of the restaurant rolled his eyes and tapped.

They simply dismissed these former national heroes.

The world is hot and cold, and people's hearts are ugly, which can be seen!

They were so angry that they didn't go to the public canteen to eat at all, they would rather eat instant noodles in Adjutant Lu's conference room, and sometimes they were simply hungry and didn't eat the lunch meal - they were full anyway!

At noon this day, of course, it was the same as usual. Some people drank plain water without appetite, and some people made a cup of instant noodles casually, filling their stomachs with a tasteless taste... Adjutant Lu gnawed on a compressed biscuit by himself, and was also listless.

Only Xiahou Susu, with her high heels up, elegantly eating a box of fruit salad and sipping freshly squeezed juice, looked different.

Just when everyone was eating their own food.

The door was knocked.

People haven't come in yet.

First, a scent of steaming and delicious food floated in from the crack of the door.

All the generals sucked their noses, their necks almost straightened, and their eyes couldn't help rubbing against the door.

Immediately afterwards, the door was gently pushed open, and a crisp smile filled the room: "Hey, everyone has worked hard! I brought some simple meals, so let's eat together if you don't mind?"

"Girl Qiqi!"

"Little sister!"


Everyone is no stranger to Gu Qiqi. Many people knew her when they were in Qingcheng. Later, they dealt with the enemies of country S several times. Everyone has seen her powerful medical skills and her demeanor of not being afraid of danger. The woman next to me is very admired.

In his mind, he had long believed that she was their only commander-in-chief's wife!

Now, when they were down and out, the commander's wife actually came to a meeting and didn't forget to bring them a meal, woo woo woo, I'm so touched.

Gu Qiqi didn't expect that she would be welcomed by everyone just because she brought a simple meal.

With a smile, she worked with Adjutant Lu to unpack the two heavy lunch boxes one by one, and laid them out on the chairman's table: "It's too simple, mainly because I don't have time, otherwise I will cook for you .Everyone will eat it, I don’t know if it suits your taste, what do you like to eat, next time I go to my house, can I make it for you?”

"Okay, okay, Madam can say anything!"

"The rice brought by Madam is delicious. Old Wang, I haven't eaten such delicious food for a month!"

"That's right, Madam knows the tastes of us brothers, and they are all our favorite dishes!"

"I see, because Madam knows the chief's taste, don't our brothers all hang out with the chief, wear the same pants as the chief, and have the same habit of eating and drinking?"

"Ah bah, the chief doesn't share your pants with you. The chief has a wife. You're a bachelor!"

"I don't care, I will follow the chief and his wife for the rest of my life, and be their little follower!"

"Nonsense, whoever betrays the chief will die!"

"Oh, what do you eat and eat, you don't dismember the corpse, you like and dislike..."

"Oh, don't take this opportunity to snatch my meat, I love to eat this twice-cooked pork! It's very comfortable!" The real lady is an online service, helping you find books to chat with you, please wechat/letter/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 Waiting for you to flirt~

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