Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1662 The coquettish Sir [laughing]

Qianqian Novel Network

Gu Qiqi's voice couldn't help trembling: "No, it's nothing. Duanzi, stand behind me!"

She was afraid that there would be enemies ambushing in the room, so she was extremely cautious and kept Xiaotuanzi firmly behind her.

If Gongjue is really taken away, then she must protect Tuanzi and prevent Tuanzi from having any accidents.

The naive and ignorant Tuanzi didn't know what happened, so she calmly reminded her in a low voice: "Miss sister, Babi's house can be opened without a key..."

Gu Qiqi patted her forehead, feeling a little embarrassed, yes, this door is a password fingerprint lock.

When she got excited just now, she forgot.

It really is - caring makes chaos!

Taking a deep breath, she pressed her right index finger up.

"Beep-beep!" There was a very subtle sound of unlocking the lock.

The door opened slowly.

Gu Qiqi was vigilant, did not step in, but stood at the door, scanning the hall.

There were no lights on in the hall, it was dark.

Can't see anything.

She couldn't see if there was anyone inside, so she didn't dare to go in rashly.

Xiao Tuanzi saw that she was so cautious, although he didn't know why, but as long as the young lady did something, he would unconditionally support it.

Thinking about it, an idea came up!

He leaned close to Gu Qiqi's ear: "Miss Sister, I'll ask Brother Yun to explore the way!"

Gu Qiqi nodded: "Okay."

Brother Yun was let in.

The thin steel wheels rolled over the floor, as if someone walked in lightly.

It is estimated that he has advanced about ten meters, and suddenly, I don't know what mechanism Brother Yun encountered.

"Boom!" There was a sound.

Instinctively, Gu Qiqi threw herself directly onto the dumpling, her whole body protecting the dumpling - she thought it was the explosives that had exploded.

who knows.

In the next second, the entire hall was suddenly lit up, and the bright crystal lamps dazzled.

Rows of candles, unlit but romantically arranged on the dining table.

On the dining table, several exquisite side dishes were served on silver plates, with a thermal insulation crystal cover on them.

And a man who has just taken a bath, with a towel coquettishly tied around his waist, is tall and leaning against the dining table, leaning on the dining table with one hand, and resting the other hand casually on his crotch, his eyes are slightly narrowed, and the whole person looks, It's a capital coquettish! ! !


Gu Qiqi was severely shocked.

Gong Jue, you dress like this, it's too eye-catching.

What's worse, the moment the light came on, Gong Jue pursed his lips and said, "Woman, are you satisfied with what you see?"

Meow, she is satisfied with a wool!

His dishonest hand was placed on the crotch, to highlight the key parts, so that she could say that the fruits there are very, big, big? ? ?

Gu Qiqi stood at the door, straightened her waist, angrily told Brother Yun to come back, patted the dust on Tuanzi's body after being thrown to the ground by her just now, then walked in the door with a sullen face without saying a word.

Xiaotuanzi glared at Gong Jue even more with contempt, passed by his side, and said "childish"!

Teng Teng Teng walked into the bathroom to take a shower and change clothes.

Gong Jue stood there awkwardly, neither advancing nor retreating.

Damn, how did he know that this little bastard would come back with him?

What about the agreed candlelight dinner and the agreed world for two?

After a whole day of tossing around, he gave her a well-prepared meal, and waited for her to come back to enjoy it, and then threw himself into the arms of the five bodies he adored, logically.

Even, at the moment of entering the door, they intentionally created a surprise.

The results of it? There is no joy, but there seems to be a lot of surprises!

What's even more embarrassing is that he let his son see his coquettish side, and was despised by his own son!

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