Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1664 Destroy Lao Tzu's happiness tonight!

Qianqian Novel Network

Xiaotuanzi raised his eyebrows lightly, and turned back: "Miss Sister's chopsticks are magical, and even unpalatable dishes can become delicious. Besides, it's shameful to waste food. I'm helping you not to waste it! Understand?"

Gongjue: "..."

The fucking old man lived for twenty-eight years, and today he was taught a lesson by his son.

Hey, hey, Gong Ting, you little bastard, tell me clearly...!

However, Xiao Tuanzi had already turned his attention to Gu Qiqi, begging to be petted and fed, so there was no time to chat with him.

Gong Jue watched helplessly as he worked so hard to prepare meals all day, and became a delicious meal for his own son and a stupid woman to feed each other affectionately, which made him extremely depressed.

He has always been the one who abused the dog unilaterally, why was Mao's own son stuffed a mouthful of dog food today?

For this meal, Gong Jue wished he could stuff the little dumpling into Hui Qiqi's stomach.

It was hard to wait until everyone was full.

Gong Jue thought that he could finally let the little bastard go to sleep, he and Gu Qiqi enjoyed the world of two.

As everyone knows, the miserable life has just begun...

As soon as Xiaotuanzi got off the dining table, he hugged Gu Qiqi's thigh and didn't let go——

"Miss, I want to hear a bedtime story."

"Miss, I couldn't wash my hair by myself just now, can you wash it for me again?"

"Miss, I want to drink hot milk before going to bed, can we each have a cup?"

"Miss, I dare not sleep alone..."

Seeing Gu Qiqi lovingly lead Xiaotuanzi to wash her hair, take a bath, heat milk, brush her teeth, and tell bedtime stories...

They even led Xiaotuanzi into their master bedroom!

Gong Jue finally blew up: "Gong Ting! Go back to the guest room and sleep!"

Xiaotuanzi shivered, and shrank into Gu Qiqi's arms with the appearance of a baby being frightened by you, blinking his big watery black grape eyes: "Woo, don't, Miss Sister, don't drive me away, oh, here The guest room is on the first floor, it's dark and cold, it's too scary... If bad guys come in the middle of the night, they will be the first to arrest me, and I won't be able to see Miss Sister again..."

When Gu Qiqi heard this, her heart melted.

Hastily patted him on the back: "Good boy, don't be afraid, I'll sleep with you, huh?"

"Yeah!" Xiaotuanzi immediately put away her tears, her promise was joyful, and her smile was brilliant.

Seeing that Gu Qiqi took Xiaotuanzi's hand and went to sleep on the big bed in the master bedroom.

Gongjue was standing in the living room, his palm was about to be crushed!

Gong Ting, you little bastard!

Are you afraid of bad guys? I think the bad guys are afraid of you!

In the palace house, why have I never seen you afraid of sleeping alone? Especially since this year, if I want to sleep with you, you still think I am annoying, so you won't let me enter your bedroom.

Now you say you are afraid?

I'm afraid, you f*ck are deliberately sabotaging Lao Tzu's sex tonight! blessing!

However, he couldn't pierce the layer of cellophane obviously, so he could only walk around the living room anxiously, racking his brains to figure out how to deal with this brat.

Watching the clock point to nine o'clock, ten o'clock, eleven o'clock...

Until Xiaotuanzi fell asleep in Gu Qiqi's arms contentedly, Gong Jue didn't think of any reliable method.

In the end, it was Gu Qiqi who sent a message: "Jue, aren't you going to sleep? Rest early!"

Gong Jue's abdomen tightened, and there was nowhere to vent his anger.


I really want to sleep, but such a big light bulb is in the way on the bed, how can I sleep with you? ?

Suppressing the fire, he opened the door and entered the room.


I saw Gu Qiqi lying on the left side of Nuo Da's emperor bed, Xiao Tuanzi sleeping in the middle, with his little head still clinging to the ground, pillowed in Gu Qiqi's arms... You are chatting, please WeChat/letter/search/search popular web articles or rdww444 to wait for you~

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