Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1666 Press her on the cooking table

Qianqian Novel Network

Gong Jue said proudly: "I didn't let you here again. The house is so big, it's enough to change the place with one shot."

Gu Qiqi: "..."

This is the most unscrupulous thing she has ever heard in her life!

I thought Gong Jue was just talking about it.

Unexpectedly, he was really ready to take action!

He hugged her, looking like a gentle and pampered man, but when he left the bedroom, the route was wrong...He went straight to the first floor, the kitchen!

Kitchen... the kitchen is a place to eat!



The moonlit night is like water.

Same quiet night.

In Xiahou's mansion, the air pressure is low!

The servants in the mansion were all like eggplants beaten by frost, and they didn't dare to make a sound in their wilting atmosphere.

In the main house, there were still little maids running out all over with injuries and wiping tears.

The sound of crackling and smashing came from the main house from time to time.

In the end, even the old butler covered his bleeding forehead, sighed, and walked out of the room.

Xia Hou Susu was in the bedroom, picking up a Ming Dynasty blue and white porcelain, and smashed it hard on the floor!

No mercy!

"Why? Why is there no news yet!"

"I obviously set him up, but it didn't work yet!"

"Could it be that the dead woman was wearing some kind of shady protective gloves?"

"Could she be so smart that she wouldn't even shake hands with her?"

"I do not believe!"


"I want to see the results!"

"Go and check for me! Go and check with that little bitch Gu Qiqi!"

"What? The people who were sent out to follow up came back empty-handed one by one? And they said they would never do such thankless things again?"

"It's just to follow the little bitch, what's the trouble?"

"You can't even find out where the little slut lives with Gong Jue now, so why don't you die!"

The terrible roar, accompanied by the sound of the vase being broken, and the cries of pain from the servants being cut by the tiles, caused Xiahou's house to be in chaos.

now. In the side room of the old house.

Xiahou Shasha was suddenly awakened

With a slightly haggard face, supporting her sick body, she sat up with hazy eyes: "Where am I? Have I really returned to China? Mr. Ye, where is Mr. Ye? Elder sister, where is elder sister?"


The same imperial capital late at night.

After Gu Xuexue finished the "special cosmetic surgery", she rested in the private club for two days, and was finally kicked out by the club owner, Uncle Lai.

"Can you take me in for a few more days? My wound hasn't healed yet, please!" Gu Xuexue begged pitifully.

She is penniless now, and she dare not go back home, and her mother is in prison again, and she has nowhere to go.

"Sorry, I don't accept homeless people here. I'm in business to make money. Take you in? I'm not a philanthropist!" Uncle Lai has no compassion at all, he is a businessman through and through.

Gu Xuexue saw that the trick of pretending to be weak didn't work for this man.

Rolling her eyes, she tried to take a shortcut: "Then... what if I stay with you for a few nights and pay for the rent?"

Uncle Lai snorted a few times: "Do you think I'm still in the mood to accompany you after the operation?"

As he spoke, he did not hide the disgusted expression on his face.

It's like watching a rag!


Gu Xuexue was not feeling well, and tried all her treasures but couldn't stay.

have no choice.

She could only drag her unhealed body, limping at one step, her whole body seemed to be walking on the tip of a knife, and went out in extreme pain.

But where is the next step?

Who feeds her?

Who gave her a room to sleep in?

She has never felt so down in life!

Gu Xuexue turned on her phone and called all the people she knew in the address book one by one.


As soon as everyone received the call and heard her voice, everyone hung up immediately.

Gu Xuexue's mother and daughter are now stray dogs on the street, and no one wants to be contaminated.

Some people didn't even answer the phone, cut off immediately when they saw the caller ID, and then Gu Xuexue called again and the other party couldn't get through—obviously, Gu Xuexue was blacklisted. The online service of the real lady, help you find books to chat with you, please wechat/message/search/search popular web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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