Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1669 Her, icy muscles and bones!

Qianqian Novel Network

Outside the glass sliding door is the living room.

What if Xiaotuanzi wakes up in the middle of the night, looks for water to drink, finds that she is gone, and goes downstairs to the living room to look for her?

That would be the end of it all. How much would the child's heart be hurt if he ran into their scene?

In particular, Xiaotuanzi is a boy, and a boy must establish a correct concept of affection, which is very important for his future life.


The palace must end quickly!

If you are bumped into by the group, something big will happen.

Gu Qiqi cried a little: "Jeez, stop making trouble, hurry up... hurry up and give it to me..."

As soon as these bewitching and enchanting words fell into my ears, Gong Jue couldn't hold on any longer, and thousands of troops ran wildly.

Gu Qiqi was knocked out of her wits!

Finally, I realized how wild and terrifying it is for a crazy man to really go crazy.

The night... is long and boundless.

In the end, she almost collapsed, and was carried back to the upstairs bedroom by the palace judge.

Xiao Tuanzi was ruthlessly moved to one side of the bed by Gong Jue, who was on the other side with his arms around Gu Qiqi, and fell asleep with great satisfaction in body and mind...


If you come out to hang out, you have to pay back!

The first dawn of dawn.

Xiaotuanzi woke up early, rubbed his big black grape eyes, stretched out his chubby hands to hug the young lady tightly, then lay in the young lady's arms, and pretended to sleep for a while.

Anyway, if the young lady doesn't get up, the baby will definitely not get up.


It doesn't feel right!

The hands of our little sister are very delicate, okay?

What is this, so rough?

To be honest, the small lumbar pillow that Gong Jue brought over impromptuly last night to prevaricate Xiaotuanzi is really not rough, but it is also made of high-quality Hangzhou silk.

Smooth and cool!

Helplessly, compared with Gu Qiqi's skin, it is indeed still a notch lower.

Gu Qiqi's fair and delicate skin can be called icy muscle and bone!

In contrast, this silk lumbar pillow is really not enough.

No wonder Xiaotuanzi looked disgusted when he touched it.

He blinked hard, woke up completely, saw the lumbar pillow in his hand, and immediately pursed his mouth: "Miss sister, don't you want a baby anymore..."

No, it is impossible for the young lady to be so cruel to the baby.

It must be that cunning old man, playing tricks!

Xiaotuanzi got up in a jiffy, and sure enough, he saw that he had been moved to the side of the bed at some point, while Gong Jue was lying comfortably in the middle of the big bed, sleeping soundly with his arms around Gu Qiqi.

"That's where the baby is!"

Xiaotuanzi was very angry, and the consequences were serious.

He gritted his teeth, and the first thought that popped into his mind was - kick Gongjue off the bed.

Well, this trick is very relieved and very refreshing.


Let alone whether he has the strength to kick the strong papa out of bed.

Even if he kicked it down, Gong Jue would definitely wake up in this way.

Then, that unscrupulous papa will calm down as usual, continue to roll onto the bed, and then sleep with her arms around the young lady even more openly!

Woohoo, he doesn't want his young lady to fall into Papa's clutches!

Looking at the original white arms of the young lady, they turned blue and purple inexplicably. It must be that the young lady resisted for herself last night, and then was ruthlessly suppressed by her father, who pinched the bruises.

Hmph, little sister, this baby will avenge you!

Baby has a better way to get revenge!

A second idea popped up in Xiaotuanzi's mind, and he was super active, so he immediately did it...

The little filthy turtle who had absorbed all the night's color, was chattering beautifully beside the bed, and accidentally saw what Xiaotuanzi was doing...

It gasped.

Oh my god, sir, you were given by your own son... ahahahaha, Xiaotuanzi, you are so creative, I really like you! Do you need to find the latest chapters by yourself? You are OUT, follow the public account on WeChat: Youdu Literature or suduwx beauty editor to help you find books! It's really good to read books and flirt with girls!

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