Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1674 Chopped and fed to the dog

Qianqian Novel Network

Seeing that one big and one small two are well-dressed, they are about to go out.

Gong Jue looked like a bitter woman, sitting at the dining table, poking dessert with a fork, as if poking his heart: "You don't come back for dinner at night, do you? Then I chop up the mandarin fish I bought and feed it to the dogs."

Gu Qiqi blinked.

Before he could speak, Xiaotuanzi spoke in a crisp voice: "Baby, you don't have to chop it up and feed it to the dog."

Gongjue: "..."

It seems that my son still has a conscience.

Are you going to come back and have dinner with him?


Next second!

Xiaotuanzi: "Babi, why don't you chop it up and feed yourself?"

Gong Jue: "...!"

What the hell, you bastard, are you calling me a dog when you turn a corner?

Gu Qiqi couldn't help laughing when she heard that, seeing that Gong Jue's face was darkened, she opened her mouth delicately to save him some face: "Okay. We will come back early. Don't waste food, save us some fish Soup. We have a banquet at night, so we may not be full. Waiting to come back to taste the supper you cooked yourself."

Gong Jue's eyes lit up!

Not just because I heard that Gu Qiqi would come back for supper and taste his handicrafts.

More importantly, he captured those two words - "banquet"?

Didn't the stupid woman go to Chu Daiyu's house?

Why did it become a banquet again?

Gu Qiqi smiled and explained: "It turns out that today is New Year's Eve, and I almost forgot. My grandfather held a family banquet at Gu's house and called me, hoping that I would go back for a reunion."

So it wasn't Chu Junmo!

It's Mr. Gu!

Gong Jue was completely relieved and heaved a sigh of relief.

Old man Gu has always loved Qiqi, and he is the only person in the Gu family who treats Qiqi well.

It is indeed inconvenient to refuse the old man's invitation.

But then he got worried again—

"What do those bastards from the Gu family plot against you? Although Gu Meifeng is abolished, there seems to be Gu Enlong, right? What if he makes trouble and hurts you? If I knew I should have abolished him before I went to prison!"

"Don't worry. Adjutant Lu has arranged for me to protect Tuanzi along the way. Anyway, the route is not complicated. It is not far from Moyuan to Gu's house. I will bring Tuanzi back safely."

Gu Qiqi comforted him.

Gong Jue curled his lips.

I'm not worried about that brat, I'm worried about you, understand?

Gong Jue was reluctant, and somewhat awkwardly sent the two of them out.

For the sake of safety, this time, Gu Qiqi drove the car.

The low-key No. 1, without the military and license plates, looks like an ordinary black car on the surface.

Once inside, the familiar, comfortable and super-advanced driving control system made Gu Qiqi curl her lips.


The voice broadcast system on No. 1 was turned on: "Miss Qiqi, the master's ink garden is not far from the Gu family's old house, and the route is clear, or I will drive with automatic cruise control, and you and the little chief will drink juice and rest in the back seat. How about this arrangement? "

Although the voice of the robot was a little blunt, Gu Qiqi was very surprised by the thoughtful and considerate arrangement.

Gongjue's cars are so humane!

When will Gong Jue, that simple and rough guy, be a little bit human, huh?

She nodded happily: "OK."

Xiaotuanzi was naturally very happy. He could only sit in the back with the young lady, which was what he wished for.

The two were drinking juice and chatting in the back seat, and before they knew it, they were almost at the Gu family's old house.

Just in time for road construction ahead.

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