Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1683: Inheriting the position of head of the family

Qianqian Novel Network

She trembled her lips and said: "Old man, what about... Xiaobei? Don't you even think about your grandson?"

Mr. Gu: "Xiao Bei is still young. Besides, Xiao Bei is too gentle and not as domineering as Qi Qi! He can't control such a big business of the Gu family."

The old lady was dissatisfied: "Gu Qiqi is only 1 and can she be suppressed?"

The old man slowly twirled his beard and said firmly: "Of course. Our Qiqi can even defeat the World Medical Competition, what else can't be defeated!"

Speaking of Gu Qiqi's outstanding achievements, the old man couldn't help but be proud and fond of her.

On the contrary, Gu Qiqi felt a little embarrassed and tried to refuse: "Grandpa, there is no rush to decide on family business matters..."

The old man said sternly: "Qiqi, to be honest, it seems that it is very lively when everyone gathers together. In fact, the Gu family is like an old scalper in the sunset, who can hardly pull the car...and grandpa is not forgiving at his age and has no time left." Pay more attention to family affairs. The Gu family needs a strong successor to develop its career and consolidate people's hearts. I don't want the Gu family to fall into the hands of younger generations with extremely bad character in the future, so I must take advantage of the fact that I am not an old fool. The matter needs to be settled as soon as possible.”

Gu Qiqi felt a little complicated when she heard her grandfather talking about the current situation of the Gu family's disintegration.

In fact, a large part of this was also caused by her.

There are too many enemies for her in the Gu family. If she wants to take revenge, she will definitely destroy many people...

Gu Meifeng, Gu Xuexue, Gu Yuanyuan, Shen's people, including... the future Gu Enlong.

She destroyed part of the Gu family, does she also have the responsibility to help the Gu family rebuild a new order?

Not for anything else, just for grandpa’s trust and entrustment?

Gu Qiqi's heart was slightly shaken.

The old lady listened like an ant on a hot pot, afraid that Gu Qiqi would agree.

She yelled anxiously: "Old man, even if you are thinking about the Gu family's career, you can still give it a try first. You let this girl go to Gu's Culture for an internship, and then we'll talk about it if she does well. If she doesn't do well, she still has time to regret it. …”

She had no other tricks, so she could only try the delaying strategy first.


Mr. Gu stopped her with one sentence: "No need. I have written Qiqi's successor status into my will! She is the perfect candidate to inherit the Gu family's culture, and she is also the future head of the Gu family!"

The old lady felt as if she had been struck by lightning.

After a long while, he protested hysterically: "Why don't you discuss such a big matter with me? Make your own decision!"

The old man endured it, and finally couldn't help but said coldly: "Because your surname is not Gu. I have the right to decide which granddaughter will inherit the property passed down by the Gu family."

It hurts my heart!

The old lady was so angry that she rolled her eyes and actually... fainted.

Don't tell me the old lady fainted.

Everyone present was no less shocked than the old lady.

It's one thing to admit that Gu Qiqi is the eldest lady of the Gu family.

Giving Gu Qiqi all the shares and power of Gu's Culture is one thing.

Letting Gu Qiqi be the future head of the Gu family is another matter!

This progression makes the melons everyone eats more and more exciting.

This is really the first time in their lives that they have met the female head of the family!

Even Gu Qiqi was a little uneasy and whispered to the old man: "Grandpa, if you eat the herbs I brought you, you will definitely live for many, many more years. Don't worry about choosing a successor. What's more, inheriting the family Industry, I'm afraid I can't afford this kind of love..." A real-life young lady provides online services to help you find books and chat with you. Please use WeChat/Chat/Search/search for popular online articles or rdww444, waiting for you to tease~

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