Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1695: Men treat her like a beast

Qianqian Novel Network

Qiqi can accept his past, but can she also accept him turning into a beast?

Even if she could accept it, what would the world think?

Was she crazy to spend the rest of her life with a wolf?

He turned sideways and looked at Xiaotuanzi and Gu Qiqi sleeping beside him under the cold moonlight.

How wonderful it would be if time stayed at this moment, Qiqi, he and Xiaotuanzi's family of three were carefree and free, enjoying life with delicious food every day... It was so happy!

But because of the strangeness of his body, all this peace and beauty are destined not to last long!

Even if Qiqi is willing to accept him, how can he tolerate the world poking her spine and pointing fingers at her?

——Look, is that woman crazy? It’s okay to marry a fugitive, but you have to marry him even though he’s a beast?

——If you marry a beast, will you also give birth to beast cubs? Ouch, how scary it is. Raising a wild beast cub is a lifelong nightmare!

——Maybe she has a special hobby and likes men to treat her like a beast, tsk tsk!

One sentence after another, the words resounded through Gong Jue's mind.

There is no doubt that when the time comes, the spitting stars of the world will only be sharper, more vicious, and even more embarrassing than this one.

Gong Jue tossed and turned, unable to sleep.

Finally, at dawn, I made a call to Bailang.

Bai Lang's eyes were bleary, and when he heard Gong Jue's voice, he almost cried out: "Master, I just came out of the police station, and I almost went to jail because of your little goblin! You can't do it!"

Gong Jue said calmly: "No. She was just joking with you. Aren't you out now?"

Bai Lang: "But this baby's weak heart has been seriously hurt. No, I want to seek justice from her..."

Bai Lang confided angrily.

Needless to say, the person who robbed the prison must be that little goblin Gu Qiqi.

Needless to say, the person who tricked him, besides the little goblin, who had such ruthless methods?

However, the confession was ruthlessly interrupted.

Hearing Gong Jue's serious tone, he said slowly: "Bailang, you said before that as long as I no longer face the same situation as when I massacred Hef's men, the wolf transformation should not occur."

Bai Lang was startled: "That's right. It was probably just an accident. It might have been the hallucination caused by Hef using some medicine on you."

Gong Jue shook his head lightly: "It's not an illusion."

Bailang muttered: "Oh, you don't understand medical matters. What else could it be if it wasn't a hallucination? I've done a thousand physical examinations on you. Your genes are normal. You are a human, not a wolf...those people outside It’s just nonsense... Look, it’s been more than ten years and you haven’t turned into a wolf again, have you? According to me, it’s just a hallucination caused by drugs. It’s okay. Don’t make it difficult for yourself. , Why are you calling me if you are not sleeping with the little goblin in the middle of the night? Do you know that I just came out of prison and no girl is willing to go on a date with me? Wuwu..."

Bai Lang kept explaining his unwavering views.

Suddenly, he noticed Gong Jue's silence, and he suddenly realized something!

"Ahem, sir, is it possible that you are in the same situation as before? You, you, you...are you in that situation with long hair and long nails again???"

Bailang stammered, and finally understood why Gong Jue came to harass him in the middle of the night!

On the other end of the phone, Gong Jue's voice was cold and calm: "Yeah." A real lady is available online to help you find books and chat with you. Please WeChat/Search/Search for popular online articles or rdww444, waiting for you~

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