Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1699: Gong Jue’s hand can no longer be hidden!

Qianqian Novel Network

Gu Qiqi knew that there was no need to rush this matter, and there was no point in rushing.

Seeing that the New Year is approaching, it is better to have a good New Year.

New Year's Eve is celebrated with the sound of firecrackers. Maybe after New Year's Eve, there will be a new beginning and hope in the new year?

On this day, she decided to fulfill her promise and make dumplings for Xiaotuanzi to eat.

She asked Xiao Tuanzi in advance about his favorite taste, bought fresh shrimp and crab powder, and prepared to make shrimp dumplings and crab powder dumplings.


When she had prepared the dumpling fillings and was rolling out the dumpling wrappers while preparing to make the dumplings, Xiaotuanzi washed her hands excitedly and came over, eager to try making the dumplings with her.

On the contrary, Gong Jue, the "chef", uncharacteristically stood aside with his hands folded across his chest, doing nothing.

"Hey, come help!" Gu Qiqi called him.

Gong Jue's lips moved and he wanted to take a step, but he held back: "I'm not interested in this thing!"

Gu Qiqi frowned slightly: "No way? Are you kidding me? Even if you haven't celebrated the Chinese New Year, haven't you ever eaten dumplings?"

Xiaotuanzi exposed Gong Jue in a second: "Baba has eaten it before. At the Qingcheng military base, Uncle Lu and his uncle often made dumplings on weekends. Baba can eat forty dumplings!"

"Pfft!" Gu Qiqi almost burst out laughing, "Gong Jue, are you a pig? You can actually eat forty!!!"

She could only eat ten at most in one meal, and it would almost fill her throat.

Gong Jue gave Xiao Tuanzi a hard look: Damn this cheating son!

Focus on destroying his image in front of Qi Qi for ten thousand years.

Xiaotuanzi, however, approached Gu Qiqi as if nothing had happened, and said to Gu Qiqi as if he were offering a treasure: "The baby can eat ten, how about you, little sister?"

Gu Qiqi smiled brightly: "Me too!"

Xiaotuanzi exaggeratedly said with starry eyes: "Miss sister, why are we so destined!"

"Yes, my dumplings are great!"

Gong Jue stood aside and his lips twitched: "...!"

That's enough. You two torture dogs all day long. That's enough.

Don't you even consider the feelings of my old father?

The next second, Gu Qiqi really turned her attention to him: "Jue, come and make the dumplings together. You are so good at eating, me and the dumplings can't make so many dumplings. Hurry up, work is glorious!"

Gong Jue pursed his lips tightly and had no choice but to walk to the table.

Gu Qiqi had already stuffed a pair of chopsticks over her: "Here, this is used to hold the fillings, put it on the dumpling wrapper, and then pinch out the pleats... Anyway, you won't just follow Xiaotuanzi, the dumplings are already very beautiful. La!"

"Really, little sister!"

"Really, why are my dumplings so talented? The first time I made dumplings, they were so perfect."

"Because it was the little sister who taught the baby!"

Gong Jue: "..."

He looked at the chopping board speechlessly, seeing several dumplings that were swaying around, sometimes fat and thin, with their fillings exposed, and he admired Gu Qiqi's ability to coax the children without blinking.

Gu Qiqi saw that he was hesitant to make a move and urged him: "Hurry up, hurry up, wrap it up and eat it early!"

Gong Jue suddenly put down his chopsticks: "I won't eat it. This dumpling filling is not suitable for me."

Gu Qiqi was startled.

Suddenly I remembered that today’s shrimp dumplings and crab powder dumplings are indeed Xiaotuanzi flavors.

Gong Jue’s favorite food...


She suddenly remembered that Gong Jue had mentioned that in Hanbeiling, the she-wolf had once given her wild vegetables to eat, which were very delicious. From his description, the wild vegetables seemed to be shepherd's purse that was abundant in the north.

Shepherd’s purse is also delicious when made into dumplings!

She actually forgot to buy Gong Jue his favorite flavor!

She suddenly felt guilty: "Well, let's practice today. When New Year's Eve, I will make a super special dumpling for you and take care of both of your tastes, okay?"

Xiaotuanzi, a loyal fan, of course raised his hand in approval.

Gong Jue however gave a noncommittal hum.

Gu Qiqi reached for his hand, wanting to coax this awkward, stupid man.

However, as soon as I touched his wrist - a real lady online service will help you find books and chat with you. Please WeChat/Letter/Search/Search for popular online articles or rdww444, waiting for you to tease~

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