Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1,705: Men must live and work until they are old

Qianqian Novel Network

Gu Qiqi wanted to throw Gong Jue at home, but unexpectedly, Gong Jue's slender body was half leaning against the door, with a "hurt" look on his face: "I don't want to be at home alone."

That expression and tone were like that of an abandoned wife.

The corners of Gu Qiqi's eyes twitched several times.

But this time, Xiao Tuanzi actually stood on Gong Jue's side, holding Gu Qiqi's hand and shaking it coquettishly: "Miss, let's take him with us. At least... he has the strength to protect us. , if there are bad guys in the cinema, we can leave first and let him stay to fight the bad guys!"

Gu Qiqi snorted and tapped Xiaotuanzi's forehead in an angry and funny tone: "Okay."

Gong Jue glared at Xiao Tuanzi fiercely.

After listening to the first half of the sentence, he was quite touched that Xiaotuanzi had him in his heart, but in the second half of the sentence, he was directly reduced to a bodyguard and thug.

This brat!

Xiaotuanzi glared back: "Smelly daddy, they give you an opportunity to coax the little sister and enhance your relationship with the little sister. Why don't you understand?"

You don't need to thank me, you have to cooperate with me, right?

What a difficult old father!

The family thought about it and finally prepared to set off again.

This time, Gong Jue used Gu Qiqi's skillful makeup skills to modify her face so much that it was almost unrecognizable.

Even Xiaotuanzi clapped his hands after seeing it: "Ah, is this Grandpa Dean Feng?"

Gong Jue said with a dark face: "It's you, me!"

Gu Qiqi actually made him up to look like an old man, and she also painted him according to Feng Yangchu's appearance, with an awkward and stubborn look on his face. Really, even though he was old, he was still a handsome old man, how could he degenerate into Feng Yangchu? Like Yang Chu?

Immediately, Gu Qiqi also came out.

Xiao Tuanzi was even more shocked: "Little sister... wuwu, it turns out that when Tuanzi grows up, little sister, you will still be so beautiful!"

The corners of Gong Jue's lips twitched fiercely, and Gu Qiqi actually made herself up to look like an old lady!

The wrinkles, freckles and even the slightest bit of white hair on his face are almost enough to look real.

But inexplicably, he and Xiaotuanzi felt the same way. They both felt that Gu Qiqi still looked very good-looking even as she "aged".

Even, there is a touch of temperament accumulated over time.

When he thought that more than ten years later or decades later, he and Qiqi would be able to spend time together like this, Gong Jue's heart suddenly surged with a beating heart!

His eyes were hot, and he felt a little uncontrollably excited and sour.

His Adam's apple rolled, and without saying anything, he directly held Gu Qiqi's hand, picked up the little dumpling with the other hand, and stepped out neatly!

It wasn't until he got into the car that he leaned into Gu Qiqi's ear and said hoarsely in an almost inaudible voice: "Qiqi, in a few decades, you can still seduce me into wanting to execute you on the spot!"

Gu Qiqi reacted and blushed: "..."

What a stupid man who has no shame!

Decades later, when they are all too old, he still has the ability to think about shameful things?

As if aware of Gu Qiqi's psychological activities, Gong Jue curled his lips and said loudly: "As a man, live until you are old and work until you are old!"

Gu Qiqi wanted to reach out and cover his arrogant and wanton mouth!

Oh my gosh, being overheard by Xiaotuanzi will teach you bad things.

Unexpectedly, after hearing this, Xiaotuanzi nodded in agreement solemnly: "What you said makes sense, Babi. Even if you are old, a man should be energetic and support his family!"

Gu Qiqi almost cried: "...!"

Innocent Tuanzi, obviously you and what you want to "do" are not the same thing... Do you have to find the latest chapter by yourself when reading a book? You are OUT, follow the public account on WeChat: Youdu Literature or the suduwx beauty editor will help you find books! You really can do both reading and flirting with girls!

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