Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1712: Great changes occur! 【Must see】

Qianqian Novel Network

Yes, why hasn't Gong Jue come back yet?

Gu Qiqi comforted Tuanzi: "Babi went out to do errands. There may be some difficulties and it delayed the time. Let's wait."

She called Gong Jue.

Gong Jue's cell phone was not turned off, but no one answered it.

She remembered that before Gong Jue left, he said he was going to Bai Lang's place, so she called Bai Lang again.

As a result, Bailang didn't answer the phone either.

If Gong Jue didn't answer the phone alone, Gu Qiqi would feel that something was wrong.

But now that neither of them answers the phone, the most likely thing is that the two of them may have gone to a place where mobile phone signals are blocked.

This echoes what Gong Jue said about going to work.

If it wasn't a very urgent, important and secret matter, Gong Jue wouldn't be in such a hurry to go out.

Gu Qiqi took a deep breath and decided to be more patient and continue waiting for him.

After all, he had already said that he wanted to eat the dumplings stuffed with shepherd's purse that she made by herself.

It's getting dark.

The dishes are getting colder.

Gong Jue still hasn't come back.

Afraid that Tuanzi would be tired from waiting, Gu Qiqi turned on the TV and prepared to turn on cartoons for him to watch.


As soon as she turned on the TV, Gu Qiqi was stunned.

On the TV, the evening news is playing.

The scene in the middle of the screen passed by the reporter on the scene made her pupils shrink in shock!

"Little sister, what's wrong?" Xiaotuanzi rubbed his eyes, not knowing what happened.

"Pah!" The remote control in Gu Qiqi's hand had already fallen to the ground!


at the same time.

Chu House.

Chu Junmo just drank a bowl of dark bitter medicine soup.

The serving servant smiled and said: "President, they say you can't take medicine on the first day of the new year. Fortunately, this bowl of medicine is the last one. Dean Feng said that after drinking this bowl, you can stop taking medicine for half a year. If there is no accident, your health will be fine." keep it steady."

Secretary Jiao also smiled: "Yes, the president will be full of energy again in the New Year and tour the country."

Half a year?


Chu Junmo smiled bitterly.

Others don't know it clearly, but he himself knows it best.

He may not survive this year.

Feng Yangchu's so-called stability for half a year was just a last resort.

If he can't find the flame blood to cure his disease, he can only die, be reborn, and die again in the reincarnation of time and space...

He had gone through this reincarnation countless times.

This is his destiny!

Although it is now known that flame blood is the unique bloodline of witch doctors, how can people find such a mysterious witch doctor family so easily?

He sent out so many dead soldiers to look for the witch doctor, but no news has come yet...

Seeing that the new year is coming, he is not as happy as his subordinates.

For him, every extra day he lives means he is one step closer to death.

When did he die in his last life?

He couldn't remember much.

I just remember that he almost found the clue to Yan Xue, but in the end, he arrived a step too late.

Every time he is reborn, his clear memory of the flame blood in his previous life will be erased.

This especially pained him.

This means starting over every time.

Perhaps this life is the one closest to the answer, and he must seize this opportunity no matter what.

Not to live another life, but to... be able to grow old together with his Qiqi in this world...

His desire to survive in this life is stronger than in any other life.

Chu Junmo retracted his thoughts and put down the medicine bowl.

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