Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1,714 Something happened to Gong Jue! Something happened to Chu Junmo too!

Chapter 171 Something happened to Jun Mo too!

Chu Junmo's Adam's apple rolled, and hot tears fell on the chopsticks.

He always thought that he would be very satisfied if he could get her completely, but it turned out that just looking at her like this made him feel very satisfied and satisfied.

However, the illusion lasts only a moment.

When the dumplings fell into her stomach, Gu Qiqi in the hallucination suddenly disappeared.

Chu Junmo stretched out his hand and grabbed it, but it was empty.

His long fingers stayed in the air, motionless for a long time...


The cell phone rang suddenly.

Chu Junmo retracted his finger, regained his composure from his addicted face, and answered the phone.

"President, we just received news that a group of our brothers have found the whereabouts of the witch doctor. They are willing to make a deal with us and provide flame blood! They have arrived in the empire now. Do you want to arrange a meeting?" Secretary Jiao was pleasantly surprised. And an urgent voice came from the receiver.

Chu Junmo raised his eyebrows.

Mountain darkly, vista.

Unexpectedly, Yanxue was really waiting for him!

"Arrange it immediately. Let them come directly to the mansion." Chu Junmo made a decision immediately.


After putting down the phone, Chu Junmo couldn't calm down.

As soon as I glanced at it, I suddenly saw a news pop-up on my phone: "The fugitive Gong Jue was arrested..."

Chu Junmo thought about it and opened the news in disbelief.

How can this be?

Gong Jue was so cunning and arrogant that he actually dared to drive into the wall outside the Gu family's mansion that day without being noticed by any outsiders.

How could he be so careless and get caught?

What about Qiqi?

Is Qiqi with him?

Is Qiqi in danger now? Will he also be arrested?

Worrying about Gu Qiqi even exceeded his concern for Yanxue, and he couldn't wait to click on the news.

That's a live video news!

On the screen, a reporter’s voice came out——

"Dear residents of the empire, big news! Shocking news! Just at dusk on New Year's Eve, we accidentally discovered the former commander-in-chief of the three armies, Gong Jue, who escaped from prison!"

"The former commander-in-chief of the armed forces is now a traitor that everyone calls out! How could he still have the face to show up? How was he discovered by everyone? What kind of legal trial will he face?"

"Now let's invite our reporters from the front to bring you the most exciting and fresh reports!"

The reporter's exaggerated tone and three consecutive suspenseful questions greatly whetted the audience's appetite.

On the contrary, Chu Junmo narrowed his eyes and said coldly: "Low quality!"

Although Chu Junmo didn't want to see the palace prince, he had to feel sad.

Gong Jue is now reduced to being humiliated as a drowned dog by a reporter of this caliber. It is truly a hero in distress, a tiger who falls flat but is bullied by a dog.

The screen quickly switched to the scene where Gong Jue was arrested.

The voice-over also turned into on-site reporter reporting.

It looks like the entrance of a research institute.

Chu Junmo thought it looked familiar and looked carefully. Isn't this the R\u0026D center laboratory of his competitor, the headquarters of Bai's Chinese Medical Hall?

What is Gong Jue doing there?

A little suspicion arose in his mind.

Even when the secret guard outside the door announced that there was a customer who had made an appointment to deliver medicine, he had no time to pay attention and asked the secret guard to bring him in.

"Send medicine" is the secret code.

The subordinates mentioned in Secretary Jiao's report just now brought the witch doctor to visit and negotiate the specific price and details of the flame blood transaction.

But at this moment, his attention was completely attracted by the sudden big news about Gong Jue.

So much so that the "Flame Blood", which was a matter of life and death, was ranked second.

After all, if something happens to Gong Jue, and Gu Qiqi is by Gong Jue's side and is taken to prison as an accomplice and executed, then even if Chu Junmo can continue to live for hundreds of millions of years, he won't care! ! !

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