Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1,724 I will have New Year’s Eve dinner with her even if I die

Qianqian Novel Network

In the darkness, Gong Jue was covered in blood and ran fiercely.

He couldn't remember how many bullets he had been hit in his body. Just like more than ten years ago, he would not give in until he was beaten to the point of losing all his limbs.

As long as he still has the last bit of strength, he will not stop running.

Because deep down in his heart, there was a thought that firmly supported him: "I will go back until I die and have New Year's Eve dinner with a stupid woman! I can't break my promise!"

But the prison guards and reporters behind him were following him closely like wandering ghosts, unable to get rid of them.

Gong Jue rushed to the road.

This is a viaduct. He either rushes into the lane and is crushed by the raging traffic, or stops and is caught and executed by the prison guards behind him, or...

Jump down!

At this moment, Gong Jue did not hesitate.

He took a deep breath and roared!

Straight onto the viaduct railing and jump!


His tall and strong body fell straight under the bridge in the night!

Behind him, the people chasing him were all dumbfounded.

Unexpectedly, Gong Jue actually jumped off the bridge to the death!

In front of the TV screen, everyone in the empire put down their bowls and chopsticks in shock and stared at the live broadcast camera in disbelief.

"He, he, he fled in fear of crime and jumped off the bridge!"

"It's so high, you have to fall into a meat pie, right?"

"That's for sure. I've seen news reports before. A car hit the guardrail and fell down. The body of the car was flattened!"

"Oh, he deserves it, this beast deserves a bad death!"

"But I heard that wild beasts are more resistant to falls than humans... even wild wolves will not die if they fall from the cliff..."

"Hiss, I heard his last sound was like a wolf roaring..."

"very scary!!!"

Amid everyone's speculation and fear, the prison guards and reporters at the scene finally came to their senses. They wanted to see people alive and dead, but they wanted to see corpses!

Everyone rushed down the viaduct in a detour.

Every inch of land under the bridge was carefully searched.


There was no body of Gong Jue.

There was only a small pool of blood...


late at night.

Villa No. 0 in Moyuan.

Gu Qiqi held the sleeping little dumpling in her arms, her expression slightly cold and stiff.

When she saw something happened to Gong Jue, her first reaction was to rush out to find Gong Jue!

She was going to help him.

We can't let him be left alone and in jail again.

However, the little dumpling next to her didn't know what was happening yet, and he hugged her thigh in confusion: "Little sister, where are you going?"

Gu Qiqi felt a pain in her heart and realized that she couldn't act impulsively.

Go rescue Gong Jue, what will happen to Tuanzi?

She endured the pain, put away the dumplings, went to take a shower, and watched the live broadcast of Gong Jue's wolf transformation by herself.


it hurts!

It hurt to see him being stabbed with a cold weapon!

It hurt to see him being hit by a gun!

It hurt to see him jumping off the viaduct!

But what was even more painful was seeing his hands turn into wolf claws, his voice sounding like a wolf's roar, and his appearance, being forced into a desperate situation by the crowd. The desolation of the hero's end hurt her beyond measure!

What about dewclaws?

So what if the wolf roars?

Even if he turned into a wolf, she would not dislike him.

He is a wolf, and you are wolf-hearted and dog-lunged!

You vulgar people are not worthy of being compared with the palace lord!

Gu Qiqi's heart almost hurt, and her lungs almost exploded with anger.

After putting Xiao Tuanzi to sleep, he thought about going out to find Gong Jue all the time!

However, through the floor-to-ceiling glass windows of the villa, she was keenly aware that there were many armed people outside...


Gong Jue dragged his body covered in blood and finally approached Villa No. 0 in Moyuan.

The moment he jumped from the viaduct, he knew that life and death had equal chances!

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