Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1,754 The lonely back of the man [must read]

Qianqian Novel Network

Gu Qiqi came with hope and returned with disappointment.

Unexpectedly, the werewolf that was rumored to be magical was just a wild wolf with its nails cut off.

Does anyone know who cut these nails?

Maybe Orion cut it himself?

Seeing that the investor didn't want to buy it and was about to leave, Orion chased him out hurriedly: "Can't I be cheaper? I don't want 100,000, just give me 50,000. Alas, alas, don't leave, thirty thousand ! Twenty thousand! Ten thousand! Ten thousand is really the bottom line..."

Gu Qiqi coldly threw down a hundred yuan note: "Killing animals indiscriminately will result in retribution. You should take care of yourself."

Orion curled his lips, picked up the banknotes, and returned to the room as if nothing had happened: "What's the matter? If you don't buy it, someone will buy it! Humph!"

As he said that, he put the money into his pocket: "Tsk tsk, tonight you can go to the most popular foot washing shop in town and pick the most tender girl for 80 yuan! Get a bowl of roast chicken and beer for 20 yuan. It's nice." It feels so good!"

Just as he was talking, he suddenly realized something was wrong!

His hands are so itchy!

I rubbed and scratched, but the itch worsened.

The itch was getting stronger and stronger, even unbearable, and it made him roll on the ground.

Oh my god, no wonder as the saying goes, the pain can be endured, but the itch cannot be endured.

He howled as he rolled, wishing he could chop off both of his hands with a knife, just like the skinned wolf.


Like a wolf...

He suddenly woke up and cursed in a hissing voice: "It's that little bitch just now! The hundred yuan she gave me was poisoned! What a vicious woman, I have to fuck her to death! I..."

Before I finished speaking, there was a chill behind me!

He turned around and saw that at some point, there were more than a dozen snow-white wolves in the room!

The green eyes were all staring at his throat, as if they were going to bite it off and suck blood in the next second!

Orion's hair stood on end: "Oh my god...!"

More than a dozen snow wolves jumped up!


Gu Qiqi and Wu Jiujiu left Orion's house and walked around the town asking questions. They asked many people, but there was no news about werewolves.

It seemed that this trip was destined to be in vain.

Wu Jiu couldn't help but ask: "Mr. Ye, you have disappeared from time to time in the past few years. Are you here to look up the Lord's clues yourself?"

Gu Qiqi: "Yeah."

Wu Jiu couldn't help but sigh.

Every clue is full of hope, and every result is a shock. How strong is the woman in front of her in her heart, so that she can not be defeated and stay strong all the way to today.

"Master Ye, shall we stay in the town tonight?"

"No. The situation at the border has been unstable recently and there is going to be a war. We'd better leave as soon as possible."

"Yeah! Let's get in the car and eat compressed biscuits to fill our stomachs!"


The two talked quietly.

In the distance, in front of the courtyard of Orion's house, a man wearing a long felt stood in the wind.

The huge felt hood covered his face, making it difficult to see clearly.

He stared at Gu Qiqi's leaving figure and murmured: "Qiqi..."

The voice is very deep, deep, and quite hoarse.

After killing the hunter, a dozen wolves behind him jumped out of the window of the house.

Then, the ferocious and bloodthirsty animals all knelt behind the man!

As if reporting the results of the battle to him, Shen Shen let out a sob.

The man nodded: "Well done."

He frowned again: "It's time to cut your nails, you guys."

After that, he strode forward and led the wolves away.

The man's back looks rather desolate and lonely.


After leaving Orion's house and turning around a hillside, a vast snowfield appeared in front of us!

Above the snowfield, under the cover of white snow, the mountains and plains are spread out for several kilometers - they are all snow wolves!

It is absolutely unprecedented for the wolves, who are all white and have dark eyes with green light, to appear so spectacularly in Hanbeiling.

It was as if they were welcoming an emperor. Do you need to find the latest chapters by yourself when reading a book? You are OUT, follow the public account on WeChat: Youdu Literature or the suduwx beauty editor will help you find books! You really can do both reading and flirting with girls!

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