Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1773 No resistance to her acting like a baby

Qianqian Novel Network

At this moment, Bei Gong Mingtian can't wait to pull Gong Jue out of the grave for Gu Qiqi, and beat him up!

That man is really influential, it's too much to have such a terrible influence on Qi Qi after three years of walking.

In the garden, Gu Qiqi, who had never received a response, finally squatted on the ground, her hands hugging her little knee helplessly and desolately.

Beigong Mingtian pursed his lips and bent down, sat next to her, and said softly, "Qiqi, if Gongjue really shows up in the imperial capital, then we will conduct a carpet-like search in the imperial capital, and don't go to Hanbeiling, okay?" it is good?"

He was still worried about Gu Qiqi going to Hanbeiling. Because in his mind, it was a very wild and cold place.

Qiqi went alone, it was like a sheep feeding a wolf.

Just taking this opportunity to persuade Qiqi to give up going to Hanbeiling.

Even though he didn't believe it at all, the palace jue was still alive and still in the imperial capital.

But in order to persuade Qi Qi, he exhausted his acting skills all his life and pretended to believe that Gong Jue was alive.

He looked earnestly, waiting for Gu Qiqi's answer.


Gu Qiqi shook her head coldly: "No, I want to leave immediately. Not waiting for tomorrow, but tonight!"

"Ah???" Beigong Mingtian asked back impatiently!

Gu Qiqi: "Because it is impossible for him to stay in the city for too long. It is also impossible to show up. It is meaningless for us to search in the imperial capital. Why don't I go ahead and wait for him at the junction of Hanbeiling! That's when he returns to Hanbeiling I can't believe I won't meet him like this!"

Beigong Mingtian was speechless for a long time: "..."

Qiqi, I can't keep up with your thinking.

Are you betting on the future with Gong Jue? Are you sure Gongjue will return to Hanbeiling? You want to set off one step earlier to block him?

This is too risky!

However, he couldn't say a word of the question in his heart, and finally could only turn it into a sentence: "Qiqi, if you meet him and find that he has really turned into...a wolf, would you...would you... "

Will you be disappointed?

"No!" Gu Qiqi said resolutely, "Even if he becomes a wolf, I will tie him back and tie him to the door every day to make him regret his mistake of abandoning his wife and daughter!"

The corners of Beigong Mingtian's lips twitched: "..."

What else can he say? Qiqi has a love-hate relationship with Gong Jue, such complicated feelings are longer and more inseparable than any kind of love or hatred.

Apart from silently supporting her in his life, what else could he say?

this night.

Because of a joke made by Gu Xuexue, Gong Jue reappeared, and Gu Qiqi made a temporary decision to leave for Hanbeiling.

On a chilly early summer night, Beigong Mingtian, Chu Junmo, Bailang and others sent Gu Qiqi into the car, and watched this stubborn girl step into the vast snowfield of Hanbeiling again...


Seven days after Gu Qiqi left.

The battle of Han Beiling finally started.

The armies of the empire and country S collided, fighting to the death.

There has been no battle for three years, and both sides seem to have accumulated a lot of strength and resentment, which broke out without any reservation during the war...

Chu Junmo and others are nervously following the battlefield news every day.

Fortunately, Gu Qiqi would remember to report to them every day that they were safe, which meant that she was still waiting to intercept Gongjue at the entrance of Hanbei Ridge, and had not touched the battlefield deep in the snow field.

The tension and anxiety of the adults does not seem to affect the children at all.

Xiaotuanzi locked herself in the study every day, preparing for the college entrance examination in more than half a month.

The little milk bag kept pestering Chu Junmo, clamoring to go out to play, and disliked the boredom at home.

Chu Junmo had almost no resistance to Xiao Naibao's coquettishness, and had no other choice but to agree.

However, thinking of the thrill of going to the safari park last time, he made a change this time--you have to find the latest chapters by yourself? You are OUT, follow the public account on WeChat: Youdu Literature or suduwx beauty editor to help you find books! It's really good to read books and flirt with girls!

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