Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1781 Will you be my father?

Qianqian Novel Network

"So, Wolf Wolf Babi, I don't want to play with them, I want to play with you!" Xiao Naibao declared firmly.

Gong Jue squinted his deep eyes, staring at Bei Gong Niannian steadfastly.

This little milk bag is simply a miniature replica of Gu Qiqi.

A super invincible and cute little fairy who can turn people's hearts!

In particular, Gong Jue couldn't be happier to hear Xiao Naibao complain about Chu Junmo and the others and praise himself.

Hmph, I already knew that people like Chu Daiyu would not take care of children.

How can anyone care about children? Isn't it the nature of children to have fun and do whatever they want? What kind of skill is it to discipline a three-year-old? Those stupid big men are really ignorant nonsense, they lead such a good child astray, they are afraid of their hands and feet!

If it were him to take care of the children, he would definitely love Xiao Nai Bao very much, and he would accompany Xiao Nai Bao to do whatever he likes. How could there be hidden dangers of children sneaking out to play and being almost kidnapped by bad guys?


What seems wrong?

Cough cough cough, the little milk bag is obviously the daughter of Beigong Mingtian, what kind of leisure is he playing?

Is it not enough for him to be cheated, but also to take the initiative to put the green hat on his head cheerfully, flaunting it all over the world, for fear that others will not know?

Gong Jue's face gradually darkened.

The lip line was tightly drawn, and the tone was indifferent: "I'm very busy, and I don't have time to play with the children."

After all, push away the little milk bag and walk away.

If he doesn't leave again, he is afraid that he will soften his heart and agree!

Then he would become a big joke, playing with the rival's daughter, is it a brain twitch?

Seeing that Gong Jue is leading a few snow wolves to leave, Xiao Naibao is in a hurry.

She let go of her throat, and called out crisply: "Baby! Can you be my real baby? Not the kind to play with me, but marry my mommy, and you can sleep with us at night, build a The kind of quilt! How about it?"

The footsteps that Gong Jue had just left staggered, and he almost tripped over the dung truck!

He belatedly understood that the "Wolf Wolf Babi" that the little milk bag kept calling him actually meant Dad!

And her request to make him a real father shocked his mind even more.

What's the meaning?

Isn't Beigong Mingtian her father? Why does this little milk bag still want to find a father?

Was Beigong Mingtian treating her badly, or Qiqi?

If this is the case, then he will go and beat Beigong tomorrow and let the snow wolf bite off Beigong Mingtian's ear!

But...seeing that Beigong Mingtian condescends and personally accompanies Xiao Naibao to the zoo, it doesn't seem like he's treating her badly...

Gong Jue looked at the little milk bag with a complicated expression.

The little milk bag hurriedly moved its short legs, flew over, hugged Gong Jue's long legs tightly and did not let go: "Is it okay? How about being my poop? I promise to be obedient! I really , I really want to have a real Babi!"

I don't know why, this scene is obviously very absurd, and it makes people laugh and cry, but at this moment, Gong Jue's eyes turned a little red, and he agreed in a strange way: "Okay."

The body seemed to be uncontrollable, bending down.

The strong and powerful arms immediately embraced Xiaonai into his arms and lifted her high.

The familiar scent of medicine entered his bosom, and Gong Jue instantly remembered the smell of Gu Qiqi!

The eye sockets became even more sour and unbearable, and an uncontrollable tear welled up!

This is Qiqi's child.

No matter which man's blood is still flowing inside, they are all Qiqi's children.

It shouldn't be too much for him to be a godfather to Qiqi's child, right?

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