Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1,785 The heart flies to Gu Qiqi

Qianqian Novel Network

Gong Jue found that even after three years, just hearing the news about Gu Qiqi could easily upset his heart and affect his whole body.

The influence of stupid women on him is still so huge!

The passage of time and the hardships of the world could not erase her from his heart.

On the contrary, the brand becomes deeper and deeper...

Taking a deep breath, he spurred the snow wolf on, and with a sudden leap, he led him onto the terrace.

"You just said, where is your mother?" He stood opposite the little milk bag and asked in a deep voice.

The little milk bag is already so excited that she wants to cry!

How lucky that when she was missing Wolf Wolf Dabi, he really came.

So romantic!

She hugged Gong Jue's long legs and blinked her eyes: "Wolf Lang Dabi, wu wu... You came here specifically to see me, right?"

The corners of Gong Jue's lips twitched fiercely: "No. I... was just passing by."

The little girl's eyes dimmed a bit, and then she pouted her little mouth: "It doesn't matter if you are passing by, you sleep with me tonight anyway!... I don't care, you must sleep with me, and you are not allowed to leave once you are here! Woo hoo... The baby is afraid that kidnappers will come and take me away in the middle of the night. After all, the baby is so cute and fragrant. If it is stewed in a rice cooker, it will definitely be delicious. Those kidnappers must never forget to stew me..."

Before she could get the secret to defeating a man, she instinctively resorted to the bitter trick, no matter how miserable it was.

Gong Jue: "...!"

This little milk bag is almost ready for semen!

He just couldn't say no.

If you refuse, you will become a desperate beast.

"If you continue to cry on the balcony, my snow wolf will want to bite you before the kidnappers come to arrest you..."

"Oh! Then let's go into the room and talk!"


"Lang Langba is so much better than you!"

Satisfied, Xiaobao took Gong Jue's hand and entered the room. Then she told him that Gu Qiqi had gone to Hanbeiling. As for what she was going to do, she didn't tell her.

Xiao Naibao said it lightly, but Gong Jue's heart jumped suddenly.


Has Qiqi finally found his place to stay?

Qiqi...went to find him?

His heart was suddenly in a mess, and he wanted to run around in circles to figure out this problem.

However, the little baby girl pestered him to tell him bedtime stories.

His whole heart was in chaos. How could he still have the concentration to tell stories? I used the greatest patience in my life to read a paragraph to her, then took out a handful of exquisitely packaged lollipops from my arms and coaxed awkwardly: "No more reading, go to bed quickly. If you are good, I will give it to you as a snack tomorrow." eat."

The little girl's eyes lit up.

"Wow, you have such good taste, Langlang Daddy. This lollipop is the most delicious in the universe..."

This is obviously a popular lollipop produced by her company.

She usually eats as much as she wants.

But when it was handed over from the hands of the palace lord, the taste seemed to be different.

Well, Langlang Daba is really duplicitous.

Just now he was so arrogant that he refused to admit that he made a special trip to see her.

If he hadn't made a special trip to visit her, why would he have brought so many lollipops? Don’t tell me he ate it himself!

The little milk bag didn't expose Gong Jue either.

Instead, he held a pile of lollipops contentedly and held Gong Jue's arm: "Then I'm going to sleep. You are not allowed to leave..."

"Yes." Gong Jue agreed softly, but his heart had already flown to Gu Qiqi's side in Hanbeiling.

He waited patiently for the little baby to fall asleep.

Fulfilling his promise, he stayed with Xiao Naibao before she went to bed, sitting by her window and staying with her.

It wasn't until the little milk bag let out its even and long breathing sound and truly fell into sleep that he raised his slightly numb legs and whistled - you still need to find the latest chapter by yourself when reading a book? You are OUT, follow the public account on WeChat: Youdu Literature or the suduwx beauty editor will help you find books! You really can do both reading and flirting with girls!

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