Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1802: Big beauty, feed me!

Qianqian Novel Network

In the darkness, smelling the fragrance of the medicine, Wu Tianxiong felt very comfortable, and he said in a carefree voice: "Who? Xiao Liu from the cooking team? Are you sending beef, sheep, and medicine to our leader?"

Haha, a sheep-strengthening medicine?

Outside the big tent, the mercenaries who followed Gong Jue and Gu Qiqi all curled their lips in mockery.

To be honest, they were really curious about what kind of medicine Gu Qiqi would give to the group leader! It’s definitely not a tonic anyway!

Wu Tianxiong, however, still didn't know what was going on and was thinking wishfully——

Well, these newly recruited soldiers below are really good at doing things. I know that the leader of the regiment worked too hard tonight and needs to replenish his health.

Not like the soldiers left behind by the wild beasts of Gong Jue, they were just a bunch of pedantic, stupid, and stupid idiots!

They dare not kill villagers even if they are told to do so. They dare not embezzle military funds for food and drink even if they are told to use them.

What a bunch of mindless trash, they deserve to be assigned to the most painful, tiring, and dangerous positions such as surveying, pathfinding, logistics, and night duty, which are exhausting and without military merit!

Wu Tianxiong curled his lips and waited for Xiao Liu to bring him strong mutton soup.

Sure enough, the footsteps of "Xiao Liu" were approaching.

He seemed to have smelled the large jar full of medicinal soup that "Xiao Liu" was holding in his hand. The medicinal fragrance was fragrant and came towards him.

"Xiao Liu, light the candle first!" He licked his lips and ordered.

Maybe a bowl of soup will make you feel angry and high, and you can even get one or two village girls to come over and play with you.


There was a soft sound and the candle was lit again.

Wu Tianxiong’s eyes lit up!

Damn it, what a beauty!

The person serving soup in front of me is not Liu from the cooking class at all, but a gorgeous and charming beauty. Damn it!

Wu Tianxiong's mouth was almost drooling, and he thought to himself, Xiao Liu is so good at flattering him that even the soup delivery person was replaced by a beautiful village girl. She is really good at being a good person. I will give him a military rank tomorrow!

Just as I was thinking about it, I heard the beautiful lady across from me smile coldly: "Want some soup?"

Wu Tianxiong curled his lips and suddenly held his forehead: "Oh, my regiment leader has been training the team day and night, but he is really sleepy and can't get up. Could you please send the beauty to my regiment leader and feed him..."

Just using sweet words to coax you.

Unexpectedly, this beauty was very polite. Before he could finish speaking, she smiled faintly and walked up to his bed: "Okay."

Damn, I agreed so readily!

She seems to be a very coquettish girl!

Wu Tianxiong looked at Gu Qiqi with drunken eyes, his lips became increasingly dry and he kept licking them.

The mercenaries outside the big tent were extremely nervous when they heard this, and suddenly they were a little worried whether Gu Qiqi would suffer from this old pervert.

After all, Gu Qiqi only had a bowl of medicinal soup in her hand.

There are weapons beside Lao Se's headrest, and there are many soldiers outside who can break in at any time to support him!

That bowl of soup, even if it is an intestinal poison, it will take some time before it takes effect.

Will Gu Qiqi suffer a big loss during this period?

The palace lord also stood outside the big tent.

Hearing Wu Tianxiong's obscene words about practicing day and night, his face turned livid and he wanted to step in and tear the old bitch apart with his hands.

Unexpectedly, Gu Qiqi had given instructions early in the morning that no one was allowed to act rashly and must obey her orders.

If he takes the lead and disobeys orders, where will the stupid woman lose her face?

He could only hold back the anger in his heart, and the fire in his eyes almost burned the military tent to ashes.

Through the gap in the military tent, I saw that Gu Qiqi had handed the bowl of "medicine" to Wu Tianxiong's mouth.

"Hey, captain!" Wu Tianxiong ordered again, shamelessly. Real girls are online services to help you find books and chat with you. Please use WeChat/Chat/Search/Search for popular online articles or rdww444, waiting for you to tease~

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