Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1886 The Poisonous Fairy!

Qianqian Novel Network

"What is a fairy?" Gong Jue listened to the conversation between the two and felt that their medical world was so complicated that he seemed a little out of tune and frowned slightly.

Gu Qiqi patiently explained: "Henbane is a common herb, containing alkaloids such as hyoscyamine and tropine. It has a special smell that is neither fragrant nor smelly. It will be toxic if eaten in large quantities. Poisoning will cause tachycardia. In severe cases, it can cause irritating symptoms of mania and ataxia, or on the contrary, suppressive symptoms such as unresponsiveness and lethargy. It is a rather peculiar plant that has both inhibitors and stimulants. However, everything depends on the dosage. The dosage is as I said, henbane, eating too much will make you go crazy. The key point is the word 'more'. It's just a faint smell, it won't have any toxic effects."

After that, she comforted the soldiers behind her: "You will often come into contact with henbane on the battlefield. This plant is indispensable in the playgrounds of your empire's training camps and the plains of field operations. It has strong vitality and distribution. It’s very wide. By the way, I remember that there are also a lot of celestial beings planted in the Commander-in-Chief’s Mansion in the Imperial Capital.”

For a while, she always went to the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces to find Adjutant Lu, and saw with her own eyes a large field of petite and exquisite flowers blooming on the balcony of their office.

To be honest, she had also doubted whether Gong Jue's manic symptoms before turning into a wolf were caused by the Fairy.

However, firstly, the henbane can at most cause mania, and there is no evidence that it can turn people into lycanthropes. Secondly, to achieve manic symptoms, Gong Jue must take at least one hundred kilograms of henxian... This is too ridiculous, no may happen.

Therefore, the doubts that were once were quickly dispelled.

At this moment, Wu Er mentioned Tian Xianzi again. Although Gu Qiqi was slightly surprised, she didn't feel too strange.


Wu Er didn’t think so at all!

He shook his head excitedly: "No, no, no! You don't know that in addition to being an inhibitor and stimulant, henbane can also be used as an inducer!"

"Inducer?" In Gu Qiqi's impression, it does not have this effect.

Wu Er said with certainty: "This is something that only we witch doctors know. We often use henbane as the inducer of important witch medicine. Let the witch medicine take effect at a specific time. The point is, the henbane as the inducer , there is no need for large doses! Just a little taste, accumulated slowly, can trigger the effect of the witch medicine! Even the taste of the henbane will be combined with the witch medicine in the body, and it will be permanently stored in the blood, randomly. Trigger! Now you understand why we witch doctors like to use henbane as a medicinal ingredient! It is indeed not very toxic originally, but when combined with our witch doctor’s medicine, it becomes a highly toxic poison!"

Gu Qiqi was startled!

The world of medicine is really broad and profound.

Even if she is as diligent as she is, has the blessing of the little dirty turtle space, has various medical skills such as identifying poisons, refining medicine, and cultivation, and even comes into contact with such a magical existence, she still cannot say that she knows everything about medicine. Can't.

Because medicine is an endless science.

Above the peak, you can reach another peak!

At this moment, when she heard that the Heavenly Fairy could actually be used as an inducer for witchcraft medicine, she was shocked!

Her previous judgments could almost be overturned because of such a small change!

A little bit of henbane can induce the effects of the witch medicine.

Does that mean that the witch medicine has been planted in Gong Jue's body? ! Real girls are online services to help you find books and chat with you. Please use WeChat/Chat/Search/Search for popular online articles or rdww444, waiting for you to tease~

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