Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1896: I am Mr. Qi from society!

Qianqian Novel Network

Gu Qiqi actually wants to sue them?

What makes this woman so brave? So scary?

"Go back and tell your leader named Wu that he should sit on the chair in the Commander's Mansion for a few days." Gu Qiqi said calmly.

Several people didn't react: "What do you mean?"

Gu Qiqi raised her eyes slightly and said nonchalantly: "After all, if you don't sit down for a few days, you will be kicked out of the commander-in-chief's residence before your butt is warm from sitting down. You will never have the chance to sit down again in this life."

Several people were so embarrassed that they became angry!

The little dirty turtle laughed heartily: Hahahaha, I am Master Qi from society! He is handsome and has a poisonous tongue!

Gong Jue even raised the corners of his lips: My woman is as cute as a horse!

People who eat melons: Qiye 666!

Several men from the Commander-in-Chief's Mansion finally crawled away despite countless embarrassments.

And Gu Qiqi and Gong Jue, after they left, waved goodbye to the people, fulfilled their promise, and actually took the initiative to go towards the military court!

Gong Jue glanced at the farewell soldiers and military doctors for the last time: "Don't worry, even if I bring down the entire cabinet, the Presidential Office, and the Commander-in-Chief's Office, I will give you justice. None of those grandsons will receive the military honors they deserve." Don’t even think about defaulting on your debt! Otherwise, I’ll do it!”

Everyone’s heart felt warm!

The lordship had no need to take the initiative to go to the military court and throw himself into the trap, but in order to seek justice for them and to overthrow the traitors in the commander-in-chief's palace, he went there without hesitation.

Such an upright and upright man is worthy of their lifelong admiration and following!

Everyone watched the two go away with tears in their eyes.

This year, according to imperial history, Gong Jue, the commander-in-chief of the three armies, and his wife Gu Qiqi, led an army of 20,000 and annihilated 500,000 enemy troops, creating the most shocking military achievement in the history of the empire.

At the same time, the history books also recorded that the palace prince personally went to the military court to regain the honor he deserved for the 20,000 soldiers. This was an unprecedented and unprecedented heroic scene!

At this moment, no one knows that what happens next will leave such a mark in the history books...

They could only see the horizon of the Imperial City, and suddenly the sky was filled with clouds and clouds, as if... the sky was about to change.

Military court.

Gong Jue caused a huge commotion as soon as he appeared.

"Gong Jue is really not dead!"

"Gong Jue actually took the initiative to deliver it to my door!"

"How should we receive him...ah, how can we arrest him?"

Faced with the panic among the staff, Gong Jue simply calmed down.

He directed in an orderly manner: "You first take out the report record book, ask the clerk to come over, and carefully write down every word I said!"

"Yes!" Everyone agreed, and it took several seconds before they realized something was wrong.

Why should they be afraid of a fugitive?

He is not an innocent soul who came back to collect debts. He is a real palace lord, and he came back to surrender, right?

The clerk rushed to get the surrender record book.

Another team of prison guards were found and they were ready. This time, Gong Jue could not be allowed to escape again.

However, Gong Jue glanced at the surrender record, raised his eyebrows, and said displeasedly: "You got the wrong one!"

Clerk: "No, that's right, Sir..."

Gong Jue scolded in a deep voice: "I asked you to take the report! Can't you understand human speech?"

Clerk: "But..."

Gong Jue: "Stop talking nonsense! Hurry up!"

The clerk was shocked by Gong Jue's aura and couldn't control it at all. He went to change the record book in his hand and followed Gong Jue's instructions.

It's not that he is hopeless, it's just that Gong Jue's aura is too terrifying. He has a premonition that if he doesn't behave obediently, he may be torn apart by the former leader's hands. Do you need to find the latest chapters by yourself when reading a book? You are OUT, follow the public account on WeChat: Youdu Literature or the suduwx beauty editor will help you find books! You really can do both reading and flirting with girls!

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