Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1898 The greatest wife in the world is the greatest

Qianqian Novel Network

Intimidated by Gong Jue's strong aura, the clerk changed his words from "as a criminal" to "as a witness" and "detained" to the specious "protection". In short, he tried every possible means to keep Gong Jue in the military court prison.

Gong Jue is actually not a difficult person to deal with. As long as you follow Mao Shun's direction, he is sometimes nicer and easier to talk to.

At this moment, the clerk was so careful and honestly accepted the complaint against the commander-in-chief. Gong Jue was quite satisfied, his face brightened a little, and he agreed: "I will come back to you as a witness after I have dinner!"

The world is big, but eating with my wife is the biggest thing.

Let me talk about other trivial matters after I finish dinner with my wife.

The secretary is extremely grateful to have such a promise from Gong Jue.

It's a miracle that Sir Alex didn't get angry on the spot, use force and beat him out.

I really didn’t expect Sir Alex to be so easy to talk to and so cooperative.

The clerk was extremely grateful and was about to send the palace lord off: "Then lord, you must come back. I have been waiting here for you since I got off work..."

Before I finish talking, who would have expected——

Gu Qiqi suddenly raised the corners of her lips and said lightly: "Who said we would come back?"

The clerk was startled.

Oh my god, I didn’t expect that the seemingly rough Sir Alex was easy to talk to, but this seemingly gentle woman was very difficult to talk to!

"Well... Your Majesty just agreed..." the clerk said timidly, deliberately provoking, "Your Majesty doesn't mean to keep his word, right?"


Gong Jue immediately said seriously: "Everything is subject to her!"

He secretly thought to himself, well, the stupid woman must be inseparable from him. She has been sleeping in the same bed with him for the past few days. She is addicted to sleep, right?

After one night of not letting him bully you, you miss him so much that you are not willing to let him spend the night in jail, right? hey-hey……

Just when Gong Jue was thinking very unseriously in his mind.

Gu Qiqi said calmly: "You don't have to wait for us. The person we should report has already been reported. The next time we meet will be the day of the trial! Let us know when you arrange the trial."

The tone was so firm that the clerk could not find the words to refute for a moment.

Seeing that Gong Jue and Gu Qiqi were about to leave like this, he had no choice but to shout: "Sir, this is against the rules. What if we can't find you during the court session..."

Gu Qiqi said calmly: "As long as your entire empire openly broadcasts the trial, won't everyone know when the trial will start?"

The clerk staggered: "Public... open trial?"

It’s okay to have a public trial of Lord Duke’s old case, since that matter is known to the whole country anyway, but to have a public trial of Wu Chi, the new commander-in-chief of the General Command? ?

Wu Chi was at the height of his power, and his friendship with the Vice President was still a sworn one. Did they take advantage of the situation and go to interrogate Wu Chi?

Gu Qiqi said coldly: "Why, you don't dare to make it public? Are you afraid that the scandal in the Commander-in-Chief's Office will become known to everyone and you won't be able to step down?"

Clerk: "I..."

He was so confused that he didn't know how to answer Gu Qiqi's question. Suddenly, a sinister male voice came from behind and came to his rescue.

"If we agree to a public interrogation of the Commander-in-Chief, Gong Jue will stay in jail and go to jail? Is that right?" The man asked in a gloomy tone, word by word, almost gritting his teeth.

Gu Qiqi raised her eyes lightly and saw a man walking from the shadows on the other side of the room. He was wearing a military uniform, short and lean, and had a smile on his face that made people feel very uncomfortable. Do you need to find the latest chapters by yourself when reading a book? You are OUT, follow the public account on WeChat: Youdu Literature or the suduwx beauty editor will help you find books! You really can do both reading and flirting with girls!

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