Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1913 Who is my mother’s man?

Qianqian Novel Network

Secretary Jin staggered.

Ouch, my queen, CEO, and little ancestor, can you not frighten the baby's little heart every time you give an order?

We are a food company, not a space fighter company, we can handle everything...

However, complaints are complaints. He thought about Beigong, but he didn't dare to say "no" at all.

After all, he didn't want to mess up this lucrative secretarial job with a monthly salary of tens of thousands.

Secretary Jin smiled patiently and said: "President, this... the military court has no business dealings with us. Why do we ask the president for advice on how to deal with them so that they can't handle the case?"

Bei Gong Niannian looked disgusted: "You really want me to explain everything clearly, no matter how small it is? Can't you take the initiative and think about it with your brain? In this way, you will never be able to When you grow up, you are too dependent on me! What will you do when you leave me to start a business and start your own business? "

The tone that hates iron but cannot be transformed into steel is called a young man who speaks with sincerity and sincerity!

Secretary Jin almost burst into tears when he heard this: "Lao Jin swears that he will never leave you, CEO!"

Bei Gong Niannian was too lazy to listen to his expression of loyalty and directly ordered: "Forget it, I won't do it next time. I will tell you how to deal with them this time. Next time you must find a way to do it yourself!"

"Yes, please give me some advice, CEO!"

"The people in the military court are all quite young, right? I heard that many of them are between 30 and 40 years old and have just gotten married and had children."

"It's true. President, according to the promotion regulations for civil servants in the empire, it seems that you should be able to take up positions in the court and handle court cases at about this age. Most of the other older ones have taken a back seat or become leaders. You won’t handle the case personally. You have to deal with the people who are specifically handling the case, so you are right to target this group of people!”

"That's alright. Since there must be babies in their families at their age, you can stop them from buying our group's baby food. That's it!" Beigong Niannian said fluently and easily.

Secretary Jin was stunned for a while, and it took him a long time to realize: "Yes, that's right! These people basically belong to middle-class families, and they must choose our Queen Group's baby food. They don't like other brands. Even if they They want to find a substitute, but their daughter-in-law and mother-in-law are still not happy, which will definitely force them to think hard to buy it. In this way... they are so exhausted that they have no time to find food rations for their children. How can they think about handling the case... President , you are too wise!"

Secretary Jin’s words are really not flattering.

That's a sincere compliment!

Beigong Niannian was so far-sighted that she suddenly connected baby food with the staff of the Imperial Military Court. It can be said to be a genius.

The key is not to make blind contacts, but to analyze those people's age, family, job characteristics and other information and draw conclusions.

Queen Group now has an absolute monopoly in the baby food industry.

Anyone with a little bit of taste and status would never do without their baby food.

The president’s method is absolutely feasible!

Secretary Jin went to implement the president's instructions.

Beigong Niannian was having nothing to do, and suddenly she was a little curious. Who was the person that Gu Qiqi spared no effort to help?

Why does the trial of a strange man's case attract so much attention from Mommy that she actually comes to supervise the deployment in person?

Beigong Niannian was confused, opened the search box on her phone, and entered the man's name.

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