Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1945 The Poisoner

Qianqian Novel Network

However, Gu Qiqi just said that to stop Gong Jue from complaining. She had no real intention to pursue Gong Qing for not telling them.

The old man loved his grandson as much as his life, and he lost the child. He probably blamed himself to death now. He was more anxious and uncomfortable than them. Why did she bother to expose his scars?

The most important thing now is to find the two little guys quickly.

"This incident should not be an accident. Although Niannian is very naughty, Tuanzi is a cautious child who will not go far away easily and cannot be contacted. They should have been targeted by someone with intentions and fell into the hands of someone." Gu Qiqi analyzed calmly.

Gong Jue also remembered that when he met Niannian at the wildlife park, it seemed that a group of people wanted to kidnap her, but then they disappeared inexplicably.

As Gu Qiqi said, this is no accident!

Maybe the two little guys put down the adults and wanted to go out on a whim.

But after being out for so long and having no news at all, it’s worth being vigilant!

"The identities of Tuanzi and Niannian have not been made public. Even many people in the upper class circles do not know their existence. Ordinary people would not think of kidnapping them." Gu Qiqi continued to analyze, "Unless there is a sworn relationship with us, The enemy, the person who knows us very well..."

"Is it Wu Chi, that coward?" Gong Jue's eyes deepened.

When he returned to China, the first threat he faced was Wu Chi's position of power.

Wu Chi hated him so much that he wanted to eat his bone marrow. This was extremely obvious in court.

Gu Qiqi nodded, then shook her head: "It might be the person who poisoned you today."

"Aren't they the same group?" Gong Jue stopped as soon as he said this. Because he also thought for a moment that when he was poisoned, he came into contact with Adjutant Lu's hands, and Adjutant Lu did not come into contact with Wu Chi's men.

The person who poisoned him was not from Wu Chi.

At this time, Lieutenant Lu was annoyed and added: "The person who poisoned me knows me very well. He actually knew which faucet I like to use in the toilet... and he also had the opportunity to give me laxatives... Damn, it's so insidious. I don't understand it at all." I dare to imagine any brother around me would be like this. They are all good brothers who have been born and died for many years. This is so heartbreaking!"

Gu Qiqi endured it without saying anything, maybe he was not a brother, but a woman.

The time has not come yet.

She had to let that woman reveal more clues...

She frowned and said sternly: "Whether it was Wu Chi or the person who poisoned him, if they were responsible, it would be after the court session, and more than half a day has passed. The only hope is that they took the child away for the purpose of taking advantage of it. Live with us. It shouldn’t be long before they take the initiative to contact us and offer the conditions they want.”

Gong Jue also calmed down: "Before they make any conditions, we will first send people to Wu Chi to keep an eye on his movements, and..."

Gong Jue closed his eyes and made a strong determination: "Send someone to keep an eye on all the generals participating in the trial today..."

Those people were all subordinates who had shared life and death with him, and he really didn't want to doubt them.

But what happened to Adjutant Lu today and his sudden transformation into a wolf forced him to make this decision.

Even if it helps them clear their suspicions.

If there is really nothing wrong with them, it means that they are still trustworthy people and things may have new possibilities.

Seeing that Gong Jue finally took the initiative to investigate those generals, Gu Qiqi felt slightly relieved. This man was a combination of rationality and sensibility. She knew better than anyone else how hot and emotional he seemed to be. How complicated.

How difficult it is to make this decision!

She held his hand tightly and whispered: "There is another place where you must send someone you trust."

"Where?" Gong Jue asked. Do you need to find the latest chapters by yourself when reading a book? You are OUT, follow the public account on WeChat: Youdu Literature or the suduwx beauty editor will help you find books! You really can do both reading and flirting with girls!

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