Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1964 There is also a very powerful bad woman

Qianqian Novel Network

Gu Qiqi put on a serious face and said, "Okay, we've finished eating. Niannian, tell mommy honestly what happened today. Did you stun Grandpa Gong first and run out first?" ? Although Brother Tuanzi apologizes for you, in fact, it was not his idea to go out to play, right? Nian Nian, you have to be a responsible person, you can't let Brother Tuanzi bear your fault for you! "

The little girl curled her lips and sighed: "Mommy, why can't I hide anything from you... Your eyes are like searchlights..."

Mommy looks so serious!

Seeing that even joking could not soften Gu Qiqi's face, the little girl stuck out her tongue and then said more seriously: "Mommy, I'm sorry, I really know I was wrong this time. But... take the candied haws from that person I knew he was a bad guy if he lied to me, I'm not afraid of him! I'm not the kind of stupid kid who gets kidnapped and trafficked casually..."

Beigong Niannian said she was sorry, but couldn't help but argue with reason.

Gu Qiqi shook her head: "Nian Nian, you still don't know where you went wrong. You can be confident, but you can't be arrogant. Although you know something about using poisons and medicines, you don't know that there are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the world. Today Fortunately, the one who captured you was just that guy Wu Chi. He had brute force and insidiousness but didn’t know how to treat poison. But did you know that there was also a very powerful bad woman who tried to capture you, and she was also a doctor and poison? Absolutely. If you fall into her hands, it won't be the same situation today. You can't fight her at all! So, mom will tell you a truth today, that is, 'A gentleman does not stand behind a dangerous wall', which means , knowing that you are facing danger, but still standing there arrogantly waiting for disaster to happen, that is not what a smart person does. A smart person will avoid dangerous places in advance and not put himself in danger."

Gu Qiqi tried her best to use easy-to-understand words to teach her children how to be careful and protect themselves.

For children like Nian Nian, who are naturally confident, she feels that she can no longer encourage children to be fearless, but should work hard to cultivate a sense of awe in children.

Otherwise, this child doesn't know what kind of disaster he will get into again one day.


The educational effect she wants to achieve is one thing.

In fact, the effect obtained is another matter...

"Ah? Who is that powerful bad woman? What's her name? Baby, I really want to see it! Is it true that the baby can't fight? Then the baby will work hard to learn from you, mommy! The baby must fight Swear!" Beigong Niannian solemnly clenched his fists and was completely aroused to fight.

Gu Qiqi looked desperately at the unfazed little milk bag in front of her, and felt a collapse in her heart: "..."

Educating children is a real problem in the world!

She really wanted to throw this little milk bag to that cheap daddy!

She doesn't want to worry about this!


In the kitchen, there was also a faint atmosphere of indescribable embarrassment between Gong Jue and Gong Ting.

Gong Ting washed the dishes in silence, still not saying a word.

Seeing that he still had no intention of speaking, Gong Jue finally threw the bowl into the dishwasher and said in a cold voice: "Do you think that on the Ferris wheel, I saved Niannian first and didn't save you first? In your heart unbalanced?"

Gong Ting raised his head and looked at Gong Jue with his big black grape eyes, his eyes clear.

Gong Jue's lips twitched, and his face became more serious: "Gong Ting, you are a man. If you are a man, don't worry about this kind of thing, you are mentally fragile! Remember, men must give priority to protection at all times. Woman! This is the pride of being a man! Integrity! Dignity!" Do you want to find the latest chapter by yourself when reading a book? You are OUT, follow the public account on WeChat: Youdu Literature or the suduwx beauty editor will help you find books! You really can do both reading and flirting with girls!

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