Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1979 Do all men like Xiao Bailian?

Qianqian Novel Network

Bailang is so excited!

Oh my god, why is Gu Qiqi next to Gong Jue?

"You, you two actually sleep on the same bed in front of the child???" Bai Lang exclaimed.

How shameless!

My wife is such a naughty child!

Adjutant Lu next to Bai Lang couldn't help but snickered, "Hey, Mr. Bai, let me give you a taste of what it's like to make a report behind Miss Qiqi's back, only to be exposed in person!"

Mr. Bai, please be careful. You can't complain to the Lord about Miss Qiqi casually in the future. These two are almost like conjoined twins, and they are together almost every day.

On the phone, Gu Qiqi's voice was cold and connoted with momentum: "Yes, there are not only two children on our bed, but also three snow cheetahs, two older and one younger. Xiao Langlang, do you want to be with me?" Do you want to play with the snow cheetahs? Their favorite game is to use the head of someone who speaks ill of me as a ball to kick..."

Bai Lang's face froze!

What? Is there a Xueshuang Cheetah on Gu Qiqi's bed?

Is it that big, furry, white creature that scared him to the ground and made him faint at the playground last night?

What he hates the most is furry animals! This is a bit like his niece Xiao Ning! The difference is that he is most afraid of animals with white fur, especially the snowy cheetah like the one in Gu Qiqi's hand. It scares the shit out of him, okay?

Gu Qiqi knew that he was so scared last night, but now she was using this to scare him.

This woman is so bad, so bad.

If he had told her earlier, if he had told her that she was still carrying a white-haired animal, he would not have dared to hurt her like this behind her back. The most he could do was complain in his heart.

Bai Lang was extremely depressed and had to soften his tone: "No, no, no, what I just said to Sir Alex is that it is called the method of provoking generals. I don't feel sorry for Sir, I am afraid that he will miss such a valuable witness. It is a pity. Well……"


Gu Qiqi narrowed her eyes: "Bailang, if I remember correctly, a few hours ago, when we just learned that Xiahou Susu might be suspected of kidnapping dumplings and little milk buns, you were even more indignant than me and wanted to kill her. Then quickly, you even volunteered to find the video of Xiahou Susu and Wu Chi secretly communicating. In just a few hours, you have made a 180-degree turn and started to treat others with pity? "

Bai Lang blushed and squinted his neck to explain: "I have no sympathy for her! I, the reason why I changed my view is just because I understand her!"

"Understand?" Gu Qiqi was speechless. She was very confused!

Bai Lang bit his lip: "I understand that she is in love and is jealous because of love! She has admitted that she kidnapped Xiaotuanzi and Xiaonaibao not to hurt them, but to use Wu Chi to create a Wu She would take the opportunity to commit a crime, and then she would take action to save the child. In this way, she could gain a huge credit from Gong Jue and make him pay attention to her and be grateful to her... Although her method was wrong, her motive was out of love. possessiveness..."

Gu Qiqi: "...Do all brainless men like to believe this White Lotus-style excuse? Well, no matter what the White Lotus people do, their motives are so true, kind and beautiful!"

How could Bailang not hear the strong sarcasm?

His face was red with embarrassment, and his voice was trying to cover up: "What do you know? Guys like you and Gong Jue, who get each other instantly and have no twists and turns in life, don't understand us!"

"Us? Bailang, when did you and Xiahou Susu become so close?" Gu Qiqi's lips twitched slightly. Real girls are online services to help you find books and chat with you. Please use WeChat/Chat/Search/Search for popular online articles or rdww444, waiting for you to tease~

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