Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1981 What are you doing? Eat breakfast!

Qianqian Novel Network

Gong Jue said hoarsely: "But I think it's better to have breakfast. It's inhumane to work on an empty stomach..."

As for Bailang and Xiahou Susu, who are waiting in prison?

Haha, just let them wait! What does it mean!

After saying, "Hiss--!" with a sound, he tore Gu Qiqi's thin suspender nightgown into two halves!

"Ah!" Gu Qiqi exclaimed slightly, covering her heart.

But realizing that there was a sleeping child on the bed, she quickly covered her mouth.

As a result, the two small hands could cover the top but not the bottom. They covered the bottom but ignored the top...

That's so embarrassing!

She glared at Gong Jue angrily: "What are you doing?"

Gong Jue gave a wicked smile and said, "Eat breakfast."

After one hour.

Gu Qiqi collapsed on the big bed with no strength.

What she ate for breakfast... turned out to be Gong Jue's breakfast!

He was eaten inside and out!

The point is, because Xiaotuanzi and Xiaonaibao are still sleeping, she can't resist too much, let alone scream out. It's hard to bear it, and the taste is soul-gnawing...

However, Gong Jue became more and more energetic. He not only cleaned and dressed her with a smile, but also promised maliciously: "Let's go back quickly and we can come back in time for 'lunch'."

Gu Qiqi gave him a hard look.

Can we still face the words "breakfast" and "lunch" seriously?


Bailang and Xiahou Susu waited for more than an hour before Gong Jue and Gu Qiqi arrived late.

Xiahou Susu lay weakly on the prison bed. When she saw Gong Jue appearing, her eyes burst out with blazing light.

"Je... Master." When she saw Gu Qiqi accompanying Gong Jue, she was stunned and added the word "Master" to the word "Jue".

Women are always sensitive, and she doesn't want Gu Qiqi to be sensitive and associate her with Bai Moli.

"Polygraph test?" Gong Jue did not respond to Xiahou Susu's ardent expectations, but looked at Bailang with an expressionless face.

"Ready! Do you want to go now?" Bai Lang thought to himself. Isn't this too purposeful? Girls will also be sad and lose face, okay?

Gong Jue didn't care about the other party's lack of face, and coldly ordered: "Then why are you still standing there, why haven't you started testing!"

Colorful pipelines and magnets were tied to Xiahou Susu's body.

This is Bai Lang's acquisition of the most advanced lie detector in the empire. Even someone as picky as a palace lord has to admit that the machine itself is very powerful and there is no problem.

Various indicators of Xiahou Susu's body blood flow, especially the basic data of heart beat, are clearly displayed on the instrument screen.

"Sir, are you here to ask a question, or..." Bai Lang asked for instructions.

"Go!" Gong Jue spat out two words.

Sitting on the sofa and squeezing Gu Qiqi's little hand, Gong Jue was too lazy to move.

Bailang was so far gone.

"Miss Xiahou, you said you knew Gong Jue when you were a child. Are you telling the truth?"


"You saved Gong Jue's life, is it true or not?"


"You instigated Wu Chi to kidnap Gong Jue's son and Gu Qiqi's daughter, right?"

"False! I didn't mean it..."

As Xiahou Susu answered questions one after another, Gong Jue and Gu Qiqi's eyes were fixed on the lie detector beside her.

Will Xiahou Susu tell lies?

If she tells a lie, the lie detector will sound a sharp alarm.

Because when a person lies, her movements and micro-expressions, and even the blood flow and heartbeat frequency in her body will be different! Do you need to find the latest chapters by yourself when reading a book? You are OUT, follow the public account on WeChat: Youdu Literature or the suduwx beauty editor will help you find books! You really can do both reading and flirting with girls!

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