Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1983 Disfigurement Powder

Qianqian Novel Network

The look and words between Xiao Naibao and Xiao Tuanzi made Xiahou Susu so angry that she vomited blood.

She almost couldn't suppress the anger in her heart and wanted to rush forward and strangle these two little immortal things to death.

However, how could she do it in public?


Xiahou Susu rolled her eyes, slowed down, and stopped in front of the little milk bag.

I heard that this proud little girl is Gu Qiqi’s daughter?

Very good, Gu Qiqi, I can't touch you now, so I'll touch your daughter!

Isn't her little face as white as milk?

I'll sprinkle some pockmarks on her face and turn her into an ugly monster with a big face, hahaha.

Xiahou Susu's palms were slightly clasped, and when no one was paying attention, she gently flicked the small milk bag.

A faint wisp of smoke, barely visible, hit the little milk bag!

While she was making small movements, she still kept a warm smile on her face, showing her white teeth, and covered up her evil intentions with chattering: "Nian Nian, don't you recognize me? I am your mother's good friend. Ah, today I am going to be a witness for Gong Ting’s father to help him win the lawsuit, and I am also going to help your mother gain popularity. After all, if she wins the lawsuit as a lawyer, she will definitely be famous. That is also my credit, don’t you think? Mom is lucky to have met me?"

Bei Gong Niannian calmly narrowed his eyes and responded with a sweet voice: "I see your hall is dark, please don't bring bad luck to my mommy!"

"Pfft..." Wu Er and Wu Nineteen in the auditorium couldn't help but burst into laughter, and gave Bei Gong Nian Nian two big thumbs up.

Wu Er and Wu Nineteen were not soft-hearted guys like Bai Lang, and they were not cruel like Bai Lang because they felt that Xiahou Susu smelled faintly of his sister Bai Jasmine. They and Bai Jasmine had always been familiar with each other. Therefore, from beginning to end, I had no good impression of Xiahou Susu.

At this moment, the expression on Xiahou Susu's face changed wonderfully. She couldn't believe that she had been beaten by a little kid again.

She thought to herself, what is the use of words?

The powder I just gave you can make the skin on your face become rotten and stained, and disfigure your baby milk bag into moldy, stinky milk. You won’t even be able to cry anymore, huh!

Thinking like this, Xiahou Susu finally felt balanced.

He pulled out an embarrassing yet charming smile: "Oh no, no, how could you be so unlucky? Just wait and applaud us! You are so cute, your little face is so white, your little hands are So tender..."

When Xiahou Susu turned around and continued walking to the witness seat, she even maliciously praised the little girl's skin.

Hahaha, in a few minutes, your white and tender little hands and face will be pockmarked and rotten!


Just take one step.

Beigong Niannian suddenly reached out and grabbed her hand: "Oh, old aunt, don't leave your things here with me!"

The smile on Xiahou Susu's lips froze!

What? Old aunt? ? ?

She never dreamed in her life that such a disgusting name would fall on her, who was as beautiful as a flower.

There were already many jurors and spectators around, turning their heads to look at her and letting out unknown chuckles.

Damn Beigong Niannian, just like her damn mother Gu Qiqi, her mouth is so poisonous that it makes people want to tear her apart!

But how could she dare to get angry at a child in public?

I could only hold back and grinned: "I... didn't leave anything behind." When reading a book, you still have to find the latest chapter? You are OUT, follow the public account on WeChat: Youdu Literature or the suduwx beauty editor will help you find books! You really can do both reading and flirting with girls!

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