Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1985: Stop pretending, wasn’t it you?

Qianqian Novel Network

Xiahou Susu was still wondering. This court was so serious and quiet as a chicken, how could anyone dare to make such a chirping sound?

Who? What a stupid pig, so merciless!


When she glanced around, she found that everyone was looking at her!

She frowned, glanced down at herself, and finally realized that those strange, chirping sounds were actually coming from her body.

That stupid pig is her!

She bit her lip, feeling slightly confused. What's going on?

Why can't I control myself from swallowing saliva, humming, and then... my hands feel a little itchy...

Because of the uncontrollable itch, she subconsciously rubbed her trouser legs with her hands, causing an even weirder humming sound to come out of her throat.

She quickly swallowed her tongue and raised her hand to see what was going on.

When she saw it, she was shocked!

Dots of pockmarks appeared on the palms and backs of my hands at some point. They appeared densely one by one and looked like they were covered in black sesame seeds.

very scary!

The point is, it’s so itchy!

But what frightened her even more was that this symptom should obviously appear on Beigong Niannian's body, and finally spread to Beigong Niannian's face.

This is obviously the effect of disfiguring powder!

Why did it appear on myself inexplicably?

When she popped out the disfiguring powder just now, she used her fingernails to pop it out. It didn't get on the back of her hand at all. It was absolutely impossible for her to poison herself by mistake.


Xiahou Susu's pupils shrank in surprise, and she looked in disbelief at the little girl who was only two years old in the auditorium!


Bei Gong Niannian in the audience was sitting in the auditorium with her chin in a serious manner. She looked no different from a normal cute two-year-old baby girl!

She even sighed along with everyone: "Ah, that aunt's hands are so seriously ill, so dark and ugly. Doesn't she feel so uncomfortable and has low self-esteem... She looks so pitiful..."

Beside her, Xiaotuanzi turned his head and gave her a cold look: "Stop pretending, didn't you do it to her?"

Beigong Niannian choked and coughed, quickly covered Xiaotuanzi's mouth, and whispered: "Brother Tuanzi, how do you know?"

The corners of Gong Ting's lips twitched slightly: "Why did you just hand her a note when you were free? Is the problem the note? What kind of poison did you give her that makes her so ugly?"

Bei Gong Niannian curled her lips: "That's not my poison. Do I have poison with such low style and poor quality? How did I know that this poison makes people get pockmarks? If I had known, I would have just smeared it on her face!"

Gong Ting: "..."

Okay, okay, smearing it on your face is even more poisonous.

You are a social person, okay?

Beigong Niannian pushed Xiao Tuanzi's arm: "Brother Tuanzi, please don't look at me with disdain. I don't just poison anyone. Huh, I'm treating others in their own way." Body! She wanted to give me this poison first, but I blocked it halfway! Well, speaking of it, when I blocked her poison with a piece of paper, I seemed to think her hand was a little strange... Her Why does my hand feel like it will break when I poke it, as if there is an extra layer of skin, which makes me almost think that the poison was not successful. Now it seems that it is quite successful. All the poison from the powder has rebounded back. Hehe... …”

When Xiaotuanzi heard this, he had no intention of paying attention to the multi-layered skin on Xiahou Susu's hands. Instead, he was shocked: "Did she just want to do something to you?"

He only regretted that his medical skills were not good and he didn't discover it at all.

Beigong Niannian felt sweet in her heart when she saw that he was so nervous about herself - a real lady is available online to help you find books and chat with you. Please WeChat/Search/Search for popular online articles or rdww444, waiting for you to tease~

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