Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1992 The woman protected by the palace lord

Qianqian Novel Network

However, the melon-eaters will not let Gu Qiqi go just because of her calmness.

More vicious voices came and went:

"Gu Qiqi, you are such a bastard. It's all because of you that Gong Jue is today!"

"Xiahou Susu is Gong Jue's childhood sweetheart, what about you? You are the third party who intervened!"

"Gu Qiqi, get out of Gong Jue's side!"

"Gu Qiqi, get out of Gong Jue's side!"

On the Internet and in the field, uniform slogans gradually appeared.

I don’t know if people are doing it spontaneously or if someone is secretly setting the pace.

The little girl in the audience was so angry that she had an angry look on her face, clenched her fists, and was about to sprinkle the powder on those bastards who cursed Mommy!

It was Xiaotuanzi who calmly held down her hand to stop her from messing around.

The little girl was furious: "Let me go, those adults are bad! I'm going to punish them!"

"The situation is complicated, Nian Nian, please don't interfere!"

"No, it sounds unpleasant to me!"

"Then... I have a way to make them feel uncomfortable, so I can vent their anger on you, okay?"

"Okay!" The little milk bag finally burst into laughter.

Xiaotuanzi slowly took out his mini laptop, raised his eyes and glanced at the most enthusiastic people who were cursing...

My little hands quickly started typing on the keyboard...

On stage.

Gu Qiqi was still thinking about ways to expose Xiahou Susu, and was too lazy to pay attention to the cries of these passers-by.

However, Gong Jue couldn't bear it anymore and scolded him in a cold voice: "Shut up, you guys!"

The cold and penetrating voice suddenly silenced the scene.

Surprisingly, it is more effective than the judge's gavel!

Everyone licked their lips, closed their mouths, and looked at him.

Gong Jue's voice was cold and angry: "When will it be your turn to judge my woman?"

Before everyone could react, they all glanced at Xiahou Susu and murmured in their throats: "Sir, we don't, we don't mean to make random comments. We just think that your childhood sweetheart is quite good. She was also treated by Gu Qi today. Qi harmed...she was right..."

However, Gong Jue's voice paused slightly, and then his voice rose, extremely sharp: "Gu Qiqi will always be a member of my Gong Jue team, who dares to let her go! Which grandson with no eyesight dares to slander Gu Qiqi again, I will do it Kill him!"

What a divine turn of events!

Everyone was stunned, but belatedly realized that the one protected by Gong Jue was not the so-called childhood sweetheart Xiahou Susu, but Gu Qiqi!

Is that female lawyer Gu Qiqi so capable? She has charmed Sir Alex like this. Is this all a matter of indifference?

Everyone only dared to slander in their hearts. Who dared to confront Gong Jue and say even half a word?

Gong Jue forcefully blocked everyone's mouths.

Immediately, he raised his eyes and said to the judge: "Wu Chi applied for an adjournment last time. Isn't it our turn to apply for an adjournment this time?"

The corner of the judge's lips twitched several times: "..."

Sir, this court session is not a child's play, you do it once and I do it once, okay?

Just when he was about to refuse, Gong Jue blocked his mouth very professionally: "There is something wrong with our witness. According to the laws of the empire, it is not suitable to continue the trial! The trial should be adjourned to give time to replace the witness!"


What the hell, it turns out that Sir Alex is also a hidden legal expert? ? ?

Gong Jue decisively applied for an adjournment of the court, and the most depressed people were the people in the audience!

However, before they had time to complain, they were troubled by a series of minor troubles:

"Why is my phone screen black?!"

"The hands on my watch aren't moving!"

" pacemaker is malfunctioning and I can't breathe...Ouch!"

Little trouble! Big consequences!

Xiao Naibao blinked and whispered to Xiao Tuanzi: "Brother Tuanzi, you did it, right?"

Goblin: Are you betting on the recent World Cup?

Master: I don’t want to gamble.

Goblin: So what do you like to gamble on?

Ye: I only like to block the little mouths of goblins... Real ladies are online services and can help you find books to chat with you. Please WeChat/Chat/Search/Search for popular online articles or rdww444, waiting for you to tease~

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